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Opinions of Friday, 17 April 2015

Columnist: Abdul-Fatawu, Fuseini

A precious gem in our midst

In life, there are some unique moments when some gems and unique talents take centre stage in our lives and societies. In such moments and times, those so fortunate enough recognize such gifts and make good use of them for themselves and future generations. There are others who never recognize such unique talents, ignore or perhaps abuse them and end up regretting for a long time. History and religion abound with examples in both categories.
The New Patriotic Party (NPP) has opened nominations for its parliamentary primaries scheduled to come off on the 13th of June, 2015. The intensity and enthusiasm showed by party faithfuls nationwide towards these primaries indicates that it is going to be an interesting and intriguing one.
Whilst many nationwide would be concentrating on the primaries where Phillip Addison, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, Ken Kuranchi and others are contesting, my interest rather falls in the primaries in my own constituency, the Sissala East Constituency.
Since Ghana moved to the fourth Republic, the NPP has never won the parliamentary seat of the Sissala East Constituency. The seat has been won twice by the PNC and four times by the NDC (if we should include the then Sissala Constituency of 1992 and 1996). The nearest the NPP ever came was in the 2012 elections when for the first time in its history, it overtook the PNC and came second to effectively become the nearest and most viable alternative to the ruling NDC. This feat was achieved despite strong opposition from some NPP members. Some of these NPP members not only campaigned for the NDC presidential candidate but also the NDC’s parliamentary candidate.
The 2016 primaries are at hand and the NPP needs to make a better choice in order for the electorates vote for us. A lot of people are presenting themselves to be voted for as our parliamentary candidates but it is our ability to choose good candidates, easily marketable and with an ability to attract floating voters that will win seats for us. It is also a responsibility on us to elect people that through them our flagbearer will have an easy work to do in the 2016 elections. Most importantly, we must elect a person who when he, In sha Allah, becomes the MP will market the constituency well, articulate our problems in parliamentary sessions, listen to people on the ground and build a good working relationship with the people in the constituency.
It is in this regard that I see Amidu Chinnia Issahaku as a special gift sent to the constituency. A young man in his late 30s, he is very articulate, humble and serious with whatever work he is doing. He has been a professional teacher for over ten years. So humble is he that he has won the admiration of many people in the constituency, be it young and old, men and women. His patience and level of tolerance is splendid. Despite numerous personal attacks, deliberate lies, distortion of his character and fabrications on his personality, he has remained calm, patient and very tolerant. In fact, he is the most abused, insulted and politically maligned person in the politics of the Sissala East Constituency.
Unlike other politicians, he respects the view of others even when they sometimes resort to unconstructive criticisms. As a democrat, he believes in fair competitions and the rights of others to freely express themselves. To talk about him might be seen as exaggerations by others until they come close to him or have an encounter with him. He is truly a grassroot man who has solidly maintained his tie of friendship and relations since infancy. His good and humble nature has unfortunately turned into his major weakness which others seem to capitalize on and exploit.
Interestingly, in the NPP, like our flagbearer Nana Addo, this is Chinnia Amidu’s third attempt of becoming a MP. He is truly not only a grassroot man but also a party man. He has served in various executive positions in the party including twice being the party’s constituency secretary. Like our flagbearer, he is a human rights activist and once formed a NGO to champion and fight for the human rights of the minorities and under-priviledged. Chinnia Amidu is a man that when one seeks to talk about him, those who don’t know him will think that it’s an exaggeration.
The NPP is yearning and gunning for both the presidency and majority in parliament. In this regard, we need people who will not only win elections for us but when they, In sha Allah, do win, they will come and serve Ghanaians to an extent that Ghanaians will always yearn for more years for the NPP.
Chinnia Amidu is a special gem for the Sissala East Constituency, the NPP as a party and Ghana as a country. With him and the likes of Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, Egbert Faibille Jnr. and George Andah among others in the House of Parliament, I can see an interesting, lively and productive debates and discussions. With these new entrants to the 2017 parliament, In sha Allah, joining the old experienced Kyei Mensah Bonsu and others, our democracy will be taken to a different level.

I shall In sha Allah be back….

Fuseini Abdul-Fatawu