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Opinions of Monday, 17 January 2022

Columnist: Yaw Obeng-Aduasare

A rebuttal to insults by minister of health

Kwaku Agyeman-Manu, Minister of Health Kwaku Agyeman-Manu, Minister of Health

Fellow Ghanaians it is our bounden duty as citizens of our beautiful Ghana to acknowledge, cherish, and applaud our unique eleven (11) critical-thinking medical practitioners who have been ignorantly abused by the Minister of Health.

There was an article published by the Daily Guide which appeared on January 13, 2022, entitled, "Health Minister Rubbishes Doctors' petition on COvid 19".

In the said article, Mr. Kwaku Agyeman-Manu was in full-gear insulting and degrading the intelligence of our unique critical-thinking skills of our Medical Practitioners. Our scientists have obeyed their consciousness and stepped out of their Match-Box existence to question the dogma secrecy woven around the proliferation of the Covid-19 Vaccination hidden agenda.

They are scientifically challenging us to have a second look at the Covid-19 Vaccination agenda of forcing everyone to vaccinate which has not stopped the spread of Covid-19 in the most vaccinated countries in the world, such as Israel and the United States of America.

My people, we do not have to be blind followers to our impending doom. We must start to talk about the adverse effects of the mayhem these vaccinations have come on our people. It is about time to put an end to this mass vaccination madness and take a minute to listen to our Eleven (11) unique critical-thinking Medical Practitioners
For your information, the Leadership at the Ghana Health Services in somewhere between April and May 2020 went all the way to Nairobi, Kenya to purchase an untested Rheumatoid Arthritis chemical drug, Actemra, produced by Genentech to treat our late, Renowned, Medical Specialist, Professor Jacob Plange-Rhule who had coronavirus infection.

The question that still haunts my conscience is why would any Medical Specialist Expert prescribe such Immune System destroying drugs to treat a patient whose immune system is already very weak?

The manufacturer has given a stern warning to would-be users in June 2019 on its website. Here are some of the adverse reactions, "Risk of Hepatotoxicity ( Liver Failure), Jaundice, Gastrointestinal Perforation, Upper Respiratory Tract Infection, Nasopharyngitis, Headache, Hypertension and not to be initiated with Patients with ANC (Absolute Neutrophils Count) below 2000 per mm^3)".

In fact, all the manufacturer is saying is that the drug shall destroy the patient Immune System. The question that comes to mind is why would GHS prescribe the usage of such a deadly drug? The approval of such a deadly drug is not based on empirical science but rather on money.

It would now be appropriate for the Minister of Health to disrespect the cabal around him and not the Unique Eleven Critical-Thinking Medical Practitioners who are challenging us to have a critical second thought about the mass Covid-19 vaccination agenda.