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Opinions of Wednesday, 12 January 2022

Columnist: Joseph Atchulo

A tale of revolution in the land of Umuofia

Electricity was provided for the people Electricity was provided for the people

A very long time ago, about 67 years back, the kingdom of Umuofia was born, a kingdom that gained its independence from the white man’s rule was born from the share determination of a great leader, his name was the great Krumanger.

The Great Krumanger was loved by many and hated by few, he was loved by many because he brought freedom and hope to the good people of Umuofia, he was hated by few because there were some wicked men who did not want the kingdom of Umuofia to be liberated from the shackles of the white man.

The great Krumanger was an industrialist and a socialist, a man who did everything possible to create a good standard of living for his people. He brought electricity to the land of Umuofia. Created several industries, built several roads, invested heavily in education, in fact, Krumanger did what was unthinkable throughout the 53 kingdoms surrounding him. His fame spread abroad and so did his good deeds
Krumanger was admired for the love he had for his kingdom.

He did not amass wealth for himself nor did he buy for himself houses in the white man's land, for this many attributes of Krumanger the people of Umuofia loved and adored him.

On the eve of the independence of Umuofia, the great Krumanger declared "People of Umuofia, today our beloved kingdom is free forever"

Kramanger traveled the length and breadth of the black kingdoms to preach the need for the unification of the neighboring kingdoms. During one meeting with the kings of the neighboring kingdom, Krumanger told them that "let us look neither left nor right, let us look forward, let us unite and form a formidable kingdom, for it is only when we are together that we can win the battle against the white man's kingdom.

Despite the fact that Krumanger was loved by many in his kingdom, there were some elites who hated him, and formed alliances to overthrow the great Krumanger from the kingdom of Umuofia, one of the leaders of the alliance was the short Addoboka, who preferred the rule of the white man and did not agree with the great Krumanger that the black man was capable of managing his own affairs.

Many kings ruled over the kingdom of Umuofia after the death of the great Krumanger, some of them did great and mighty things, which benefited the people of Umuofia, but none could still be compared to the great Krumanger, for it was said that the kingdom of Umuofia flowed through his blood, behold a man who loved the kingdom even more than his own life.

Many years after the death of Krumanger. There came a man who become king over the kingdom of Umuofia with grand deception. He made several promises to the people of Umuofia and fulfilled very little.

He traveled the length and breadth of the white man's land to borrow money in the name of Umuofia, but used the money only to the benefit of the members of his family. The people of Umuofia grew poorer and poorer, whiles Nandokufari grew richer and richer for that was how he was called.

Nandokufari introduced several levies on the people of Umuofia, which even improvised the people and yet Nandokufari cared little for his people. Despite the several demonstrations by the youth of Umuofia to draw the attention of the King to the difficulties of the land, the king paid no heed to reason..

The youth decided to form an alliance to address the situation in Umuofia, they spoke in town halls and under the Shea trees, for that was where important meetings and gatherings were organized in the land of Umuofia.

Word went to the king about the difficulties the people were facing, but as usual, Nandokufari cared little about the plight of his people. He constantly told them that the suffering of the people of Umuofia was not his fault.

The youth began to see a reason to put an end to the reign of the wicked Nandokufari. That was how an idea came to the mind of one of the organizers of the town hall meetings. He suggested that they set a trap for the king through his linguist.

It was the custom of the king to take a walk with his guards to pay homage to the gods in the shrine of Aboka. One day on his way to pay homage as customs demands a spear was driven through the heart of the king from the back, only to turn and see that it was his own trusted linguist.

Then came to past the saying of Alele the Kingdom seer “Wickedness shall not last in the land of Umuofia forever, for when the wicked plots the downfall of the kingdom, the gods will not let it stand”