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Opinions of Sunday, 23 December 2018

Columnist: Abdur Rahman Odoi Anum Pobee

A thoughtful moment for a jilted man

File photo: A jilted man File photo: A jilted man

Every situation on this earth that comes our way has its own level of pertinence no matter how dreadful it might seem.

Some come and strips you from the hands of people you thoughtfully affectionate but they, ideally love you not; which you are arrogant of! When you are bedevilled and all alone, you may negate the intelligence of a seemingly destabilizing condition! And one of such is being denied love! Especially, a condition that most men strictly abhor! A test that tastes bad certain times and good most often to only a conscious mind!

Little do we know that loneliness attracts discernible thoughts and probably liberates and thus repel the mind from hazardous relationships! It even teaches great lessons to the soul that is ready to transform all its sorrows into happiness by inclining to a positive drive, and at the same time, forgetting the bruises and wounds it may have suffered from the hands of yesterday's terrific situation which was spearheaded by thy fishwife! Never walk away from a condition without learning absolutely nothing from it. That, in the future, would be more excruciating than the previous Armageddon you have encountered because you have willfully detached yourself from acquiring experience!

Making learning a priority is an appetite for a definite resolution, firmly triggering success, this is vital in the life of ours. And have in mind that no situation should penetrate your conscience and arouse any negligence of the sought. Make firm decision as a man and remain steadfast and visionary!

And let us not forget the famous Korean mores on common sense which says that "even a fish would not get into trouble if it kept its mouth shut".