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Opinions of Thursday, 28 January 2021

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

A white lady’s castigating views about black Africans are 100% true

Many Africans  have a lot of myths about the COVID-19 vaccine Many Africans have a lot of myths about the COVID-19 vaccine

The black Africans in general and Ghanaians in particular, feel jittery when a white person tells them the bitter truth to their face. It takes an honest person that cares about your long term wellbeing to tell you your mistakes to your face. By this, you will become conversant with your problems in order to find solutions to address them.

In the white man's land, as soon as a white person tells the black immigrant the truth with, or without, circumspection, the black person just accuses the white person of racism, xenophobia, discrimination and all sorts of unjustified denunciations that momentarily race through their warped mind.

A white woman, whether in America or Europe, has expressed her candid opinion about the unsubstantiated Africans’ fear about the Covid-19 vaccines. Many Africans think the vaccines are intentionally made to kill them. She says, if the white people have an agenda to exterminate the black Africans, they could have easily done it many years ago. They provide Africans almost all their basic needs from baby milk to most of the food that they eat, citing coca-cola drink among many, hence could easily have killed Africans several years ago.

Africans are only experts when it comes to making babies, she says. Apart from that, they are incapable of doing any other sensible thing.

Despite how harshly her words and statements might be, they are the gospel truth. In Ghana, our daily radio stations advertisements have things to say about how men and women can boost their libido. There are more herbal concoctions and drugs on the Ghana market to do with sex enhancements than any other thing. Is this not madness on the part of Ghanaians? As the whites are racing to find solutions to the deadly Covid-19 pandemic, racing to explore the outer universe for the common good of human beings, black Africans on the other hand only settle for corrupt practices without exploiting their unlimited potentials for the collective good of their fellow black people, let alone, for the entire human race.

Her written statements posted on Facebook, screenshot and placed on WhatsApp by one Wongel Zalalem, has gone viral.

Air, water and food are essentials of life. However, some Ghanaians are selfishly and without foresight, aiding some neo-colonialist Chinese to damage these three elements of life. The nation’s air is being polluted with the water bodies, fertile lands and virgin forests subjected to intense devastations at the hands of these foreigners who don’t give a hoot about the environment and human lives.

Are we not stupid as a nation and people to take after such acts that will eventually culminate in our extermination from the surface of the earth?

We have allowed corruption of all sorts to cloud our minds to do stupid self-destruct acts that even the organised social animals in the wild like the lions, elephants, cheetahs and monkeys will frown upon. Politicians, instead of coming to serve the people, rather come to be served. Some steal money to stash them away in foreign offshore accounts. By their acts, they starve the nation of the needed money to develop it for the common good of the people.

Ghanaian soldiers paid and redeployed to some galamsey sites to stop such illegal activities rather go to protect the Chinese to carry out the illegal destructive surface mining (galamsey) without fear. NDC politicians, as myopic and diabolical as they are, thinking only about their selfish individual greed and how to acquire their objectives, do encourage galamsey activities in Ghana. One such most recent expose on about thirty soldiers protecting illegal miners at Tontokrom surfaced in the news by Joy News barely a week or less ago. The nation’s ecology is irreparably being ruined by the illegal surface miners among whom are the heartless illegal Chinese nationals in Ghana.

The silly things that Ghanaians are infatuated with are rather spurned by the farsighted whites hence the glaring vast difference between the white race and the black race when it comes to intelligence and development.

It could very well be possible that the whites have an agenda to ensure we remain poor and submissive to them so as to permit them to exploit us. Nonetheless, we cannot blame them but ourselves. What are the Ghanaian or African engineers, scientists and academia with paper qualifications reaching up to the higher firmaments been able to achieve for us? Zilch! Just empty boasting without substance.

I rather value those white people that will tell the bitter truth to my face than those hypocrites that will give me a pat on the back saying well-done, when it should have been a reprimand to let me know my faults to correct my mistakes.

If you think you are on top of the ladder while you are at the bottom, you cannot climb further but to climb down. Until black people understand that we are on the bottom rung of the ladder hence must aspire to climb up, we shall forever remain poor if we continue to deceive ourselves to believe otherwise.

Let us stop our love of official corruption. Let our laws work without fear or favour. Let us do away with our over reverence for our traditional overlords and public leaders who exhibit clear corrupt attitudes contrary to the functions of their office.