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Opinions of Sunday, 8 May 2022

Columnist: Adjei Boakye

A woman of virtue - Adjei Boakye eulogises Grandmother

File Photo wishing mothers on Mother's Day File Photo wishing mothers on Mother's Day

On this special day and time, I pen down this message to my lovely grandmother who sacrificed her life including her life savings just for me to survive.

Mommy passed on in my formative years (2009) when I was age 10. I Was young to start life or build a good foundation for a promising future. ...was born in grandma's house, and according to her, she planned not to give me to my biological mom because I was her first grandson. The joy I brought to the family, and the blessings attached. She breastfed me and did everything possible to keep me closer so that mommy will get enough time for her business.

Unfortunately, mommy gave in along the line, and she took it upon herself to raise a genius, irrespective of the hardships ahead. Her clothes she sold, her sowing machines and other important belongings just to foot my medical bills. She wanted me to survive a chronic illness, and yes, I survived by the grace of the Lord and her relentless efforts.

After age 10.

After mommy passed on, an idea came for me to relocate to one of my aunties' places, at least to have a feel of a new environment, and new social life including friends. ...was a shy person, and quiet. My all-time celebrity stood on her ground and decided to continue what she started years back. She boldly told my uncle without mincing words, "I will raise my grandson."

Grandma did, and will forever be indebted to her. We passed through some life atrocities, she has suffered from unnecessary name callings cos of me, shared tears, bit her tongue, and pat her abdomen. I witnessed some of the things she passed through, and it sometimes breaks me.

My heart is thundering, my hands suffering from fasciculation, and likely words fail me in my quest to eulogise her. She did it by raising me!
A single mother, who has raised 7 children after the demise of her beloved husband 30 yrs ago. She provided them with everything and made sure they were equipped for the exigencies of the modern world.

In conclusion:

I stop here to celebrate a woman who sacrificed everything she possessed including her life to raise wonderful kids including me. Maa as she's affectionately called, I just want her to know how much we love and care about her. We are 20 in number (grandchildren) and I enjoy being the first son and child. You did what others couldn't do, shattered the glass ceiling, and shamed the naysayers.

We bless this day. A woman of virtue, and substance. The blessed among women, and our heroine. May the good Lord enlarge your coast, fulfil all your heart desires, and give you long life and good health. As for money, your Lord will provide in abundance.

Happy Mother's Day to you grandma. You served well and still serving.