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Opinions of Sunday, 1 October 2023

Columnist: Prince Ibrahim

Abdul Majeed: Mobilizing Effia Constituency for victory 2024

MP hopeful for Effia Constituency, Abdul Majeed MP hopeful for Effia Constituency, Abdul Majeed

In the heart of Effia Constituency, a transformative wave is taking shape, and leading this wave is none other than Honorable Abdul Majeed Iddrisu Nassam. His emphatic triumph in the recent NDC parliamentary primaries on May 13, 2023, was not just a victory for him, but a clarion call from the people of Effia constituency, signaling their faith in his leadership and vision.

The political atmosphere in Effia is charged with high anticipation. Even the staunch supporters of the NPP in the constituency can feel the winds of change. The constituency is ripe for a shift, and there hasn't been a more opportune moment in Effia's history for the NDC to secure the seat than now. The
constituents are rallying behind a true son of Effia, and Honorable Majeed stands tall as their chosen champion to lead the battle.

But what sets Honorable Majeed apart? It's his unwavering commitment to the people, reflected not just in eloquent speeches but tangible actions. He's been a constant presence at social events, from funerals to weddings, graduation ceremonies to community gatherings. His compassion isn't limited to mere

He's been actively supporting the needy, paying school fees, and medical bills, and even providing soft loans and grants to budding entrepreneurs in the constituency. His accessibility and open-door policy are not just a political strategy; They are a testament to his belief in inclusive leadership.

His "Getting Closer to the People" initiative is a masterstroke that knows no political boundaries. It is aimed at bridging the gap between himself and the ordinary people across the broader political divide in the constituency. Through this initiative, Honorable Majeed has engaged deeply with both the Muslim and Christian communities, market women, artisans, drivers, the youths, and more.

His visits to various mosques and churches aren't mere formalities; they are heartfelt engagements where he not only worships with the people but also supports their projects generously.

In his mission to uplift the Effia community, Honorable Majeed has left no stone unturned. From donating construction materials to religious institutions to empowering women entrepreneurs, his contributions are widespread. His vision for the youth is particularly commendable. The annual Football Gala competition he instituted is more than just a sports event; it's a platform for the youth to showcase their talent, fostering unity and instilling a sense of pride and belonging.

Education, being the bedrock of any progressive society, hasn't been overlooked. Honorable Majeed's engagement with schools, evident from his chairmanship at various events and his generous contributions, underscores his commitment to nurturing the next generation. His interactions with the traditional leaders of the constituency further solidify his holistic approach to leadership, ensuring that every segment of society is heard and catered for.

The recent involvement of Honorable Majeed in the EC's limited voter registration exercise speaks volumes about his commitment to a transparent and inclusive political process. But it's not just his involvement that stands out; it's how he has orchestrated the entire exercise, showcasing his unparalleled resource mobilization skills.

Honorable Majeed understands that the foundation of any electoral victory lies in the preliminary processes. If constituents don't register, they lose their voice in the elections. Recognizing this, he has left no stone unturned in ensuring maximum participation in the registration process. His ability to galvanize the party base, ensuring a vigilant watch over the entire process from start to finish, is nothing short of commendable. Under his leadership, every stage of the registration process was monitored meticulously, ensuring that every eligible voter in the constituency had an equal opportunity to register.

But what truly sets Honorable Majeed apart is his hands-on approach. He didn't just delegate tasks; he was actively involved, leading from the front. His resource mobilization skills were evident in the way he rallied the party base. From the branch level to the constituency executives, everyone played a pivotal
role. They dedicated their time, resources, and energy to ensure the success of the registration exercise.

Meals were cooked and served to volunteers and registrants, transportation was arranged for those who needed it, and an enabling environment was created to ensure the effective participation of the party in the entire exercise.

This collective effort, under the guidance of Honorable Majeed, ensured that the NDC's presence was not just visible but also impactful. The atmosphere was charged with enthusiasm and determination.

The party members, inspired by Honorable Majeed's leadership, worked tirelessly, ensuring that every eligible individual was registered. The unity and dedication displayed by the party members, from the grassroots to the top brass, is a testament to Honorable Majeed's leadership skills and his ability to unify and motivate his team. The future looks bright for the NDC in the Effia Constituency, and with leaders like Honorable Majeed at the helm, success is not just a possibility; it's a certainty.

However, the road to December 2024 is paved with challenges. While Honorable Majeed's spirit remains indomitable, the financial constraints of a political campaign are undeniable. This is a rallying cry for all NDC supporters and sympathizers. The dream of clinching the Effia seat for the first time since 1992 is tantalizingly close, but it demands a collective effort. Unity, financial support, vigilance, and unwavering commitment are the need of the hour.

In the broader political landscape, Honorable Majeed's rise is not just a local phenomenon; it's a beacon of hope for the constituency, region, and entire nation. It signifies the possibility of change, the promise of a leader who not only understands the aspirations of his people but is also willing to roll up his sleeves and work towards fulfilling them.

In conclusion, Effia Constituency is on the brink of a historic transformation. With a leader like Honorable Abdul Majeed Iddrisu Nassam steering the ship, the
journey towards December 2024 looks promising. The constituents of Effia have a golden opportunity to rewrite their destiny, to usher in an era of unparalleled progress and prosperity. Let's seize this moment, rally behind this visionary leader, and together, create a brighter future for Effia.

The December 2024 elections are not just a political event; they are a defining moment in the history of Effia Constituency. And with Honorable Majeed at the forefront, victory is not just within sight; it's inevitable.