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Opinions of Thursday, 27 November 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Ablakwah Annoyingly Castigates British High Commission

Okudzeto Ablakwah Annoyingly Castigates British High Commission for Nayele Ametefeh's "Cocainegate Scandal"

In the wake of the ongoing Ametefeh's "cocainegate scandal", Hon.Okudzeto Ablakwah,the Deputy Minister for Education, issued a condemnatory statement against the British High Commission in Ghana. This renowned baby with sharp teeth, with probably Dracula fangs, as once alleged by Former President Jerry John Rawlings, posited that the British High Commission's issued statement denying any collaboration with the Ghana Narcotics Control Board (NACOB) to arresting the cocaine courier (Nayele Ametefeh alias Ruby Adu Gyamfi) at London Heathrow Airport, was "nebulous and ambiguous"

For the sake of clarity, let me define three words here to help make Okudzeto's views very understandable to many a Ghanaian with limited access to English vocabularies.

1. Collaboration means the act of working with one another; cooperating 2. Nebulous means cloudy (especially of ideas ) not clear and having no form 3. Ambiguous means having or expressing more than one possible meaning, sometimes intentionally:

Upon the apprehension of Nayele at Heathrow airport, NACOB hastily issued a statement saying they collaborated with London Immigration to cause the arrest of the Ghanaian cocaine trafficker, Nayele Ametefeh. Reading deeper into their statement, one may be tempted to believe that they tipped off the London Immigration, leading to the arrest of the lady in what is called "surveillance search". The British High Commission in Ghana never hesitated to rebut their seeming nonsensical and unprofessional assertion. They issued a statement denying the claim by NACOB.

Following their issuance of truthful and credible denial, Okudzeto Ablakwah, that hollow-minded talkative rushed out with his condemnatory or accusatory statement of nebulosity and ambiguity against the British High Commission.

What did Okudzeto Ablakwah mean by his stupid phrase or statement? If NACOB knew the lady was carrying drugs on her body or luggage, why did they not arrest her in Ghana but had to tip off London to arrest her? Were they being professional in what they did? Had the woman been arrested in Ghana, would Ghana, President Mahama and the government have incurred that international shame and disgrace as it is now the case?

Or, if they had arrested her in Ghana, the woman would immediately have been set free with those apprehending her rather getting arrested? This could be the only tangible reason I can accept for the failure of NACOB to arrest the woman in Ghana. Yes, in Ghana under both the administrations of the late President Mills and current President Mahama, some people informing the authority of the committal of crimes or illegalities by their powerful colleagues were those arrested instead. The government is known for such silly collusion with criminals who happen to belong in the same party with her.

I find Okudzeto's statement very preposterous and an insult to the civilized world. He has to render an unreserved apology to the British High Commission, the British Government and the people of Ghana for issuing such a silly statement as aforementioned.

Why should His Excellency Victor Smith, the Ghana High Commissioner in London, rush to visit the lady a day or two after her arrest in her remand incarceration pending further investigations, if the government had no interest in the woman and her activities? The truth will out and all those involved shall be named.

I only hope and pray that the jinxed King in Ghana is not mentioned as having a hand in this gargantuan cocaine deal. If his name gets mentioned, take it from me that will be the last straw that broke the camel's back in his pompous reign in Ghana.

Rockson Adofo