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Opinions of Saturday, 19 February 2022

Columnist: Ebenezer Kofi Hayford

Abronye, the dirty creature

Bono Regional Chairman of NPP, Abronye DC Bono Regional Chairman of NPP, Abronye DC

The Caucus for Democratic Governance, CDG-GH is worried that Abronye DC continues to avail himself to be used by the NPP for dirty work in the party and for diverting attention from important political issues such as e-levy .

In spite of the many silly and docile pronouncements against former President John Mahama, Abronye DC again picks up courage to sabotage Ghana by propagating false allegation of a coup d'état on Okay fm.

According to Abronye DC, former President John Mahama is alleged to be planning to stage a coup d'état in Ghana. A false allegation which is beyond all reasonable imagination; considering the very nature of the former President, John Mahama.

Abronye DC, is the Bono Regional Chairman of NPP , officially known as Kwesi Baffoe. His nickname Abronye DC, is actually Abronye the Dirty Creature. The nickname was given to him by his friends at Odumase SHS, before he was expelled in form two in 2004.

Unfortunately he has taken to doing the dirty work in the politics for NPP. A man who was expelled from Odumase SHS in 2004, ought to learn to cut his coat according to his cloth. Instead he coins false allegations and throws them at NDC party members and their leadership.

An irony of error, coming from some one whose friends call him dirty creature. The dirty creature ought to know that “monkeys play by sizes” and so should look for his own size.

CDG-GH would advise him to leave out former President John Mahama and look for his size. John Mahama the visionary leader is a democrat and believes unconditionally in democracy.

A condition which is evidenced by the patience which the NDC has shown in spite of Ayawaso by-election tragedy and the multiple death during the 2020 election.

The Visionary Leadership of former President Mahama seeks to work and be lead by the Constitution.