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Opinions of Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Columnist: Majeed, Ali

Achievements of Alhaji Abdul Rauf Tanko to Mamprugu Moaduri district - [1]

Alhaji Abdul Rauf TankoAlhaji Abdul Rauf Tanko

By Ali Majeed

Alhaji Ibrahim Abdul Rauf Tanko is a visionary leader of our time who made a pact with the good people of mamprugu moaduri district to deliver in a manner that will change lives and transform mamprugu moaduri district.

This passionate and dedicated gentleman has been delivering on this with a sense of urgency. The people of mamprugu moaduri district will testify to the incontrovertible fact that sterling results have been achieved by Alhaji Ibrahim Abdul Rauf Tanko while strenuous efforts are being made to bring more development to mamprugu moaduri district.

For the fact that education remains the surest path to victory over ignorance, poverty and inequality, Alhaji Ibrahim Abdul Rauf Tanko and the government of Ghana have invested greatly on education within mamprugu moaduri district.

Unlike previous years where children from mamprugu moaduri district used to travel to different places for education. This is now a thing of the past. In fact educational facilities where limited in mamprugu moaduri making it very difficult for pupils to access education which compelled many to move to other places for education.

This was really a serious headache to every individual in mamprugu moaduri but through the tireless efforts of Alhaji Ibrahim Abdul Rauf Tanko much has been done on education.

Significant progress has been made on education through the bold initiatives of Alhaji Ibrahim Abdul Rauf Tanko. Virtually,almost every community in mamprugu moaduri district has got school.

It is through the able leadership of Alhaji Ibrahim Abdul Rauf Tanko that Yagaba Snr high school was established and the first of it's kind in the history of mamprugu moaduri.This particular achievement to the good people of mamprugu moaduri district will be stenciled on the mental sheets of every succeeding generation to always remember the stewardship of Alhaji Ibrahim Abdul Rauf Tanko and his indelible achievements.

Alhaji Ibrahim Abdul Rauf Tanko purchased a school bus to be donated to the secondary school but unfortunately the bus had accident on it's way to Yagaba. Despite the bus involving in an accident this dedicated gentleman never relented in getting the only secondary school in mamprugu moaduri district a school bus. He finally negotiated with the government for the recent school bus donated by the government of Ghana.

Alhaji Ibrahim Abdul Rauf Tanko through his negotiations with the government of the republic of Ghana has eliminated schools under trees within mamprugu moaduri district. Now children in that part of the country easily access education.

A number of teachers bungalows,and sanitation blocks been constructed through the efforts of Alhaji Ibrahim Abdul Rauf Tanko for teachers comfortable stay and also to avoid open defication respectively.

Alhaji Ibrahim Abdul Rauf Tanko in his endeavour to provide better education for the children of mamprugu moaduri district donated 700 dual desk's to the schools in mamprugu moaduri district for students to sit in an atmosphere conducive for learning without any stress.

Alhaji Ibrahim Abdul Rauf Tanko also complement the efforts of government of recruiting teachers to schools in mamprugu moaduri district where their services are needed. Licha and Kusobi are the current beneficiary communities of this special package by the member of Parliament for YAGABA-KUBORI constituency hopefully come 7th December, 2016.

This hardworking and dedicated gentleman has supported hundreds of students to pay their school fees. Students in second cycle and tertiary institutions are mostly the beneficiaries of this package designed to reduced parental burden on their wards education. Last year Alhaji Ibrahim Abdul Rauf Tanko supported financially 184 private candidates for their registration and each candidate took 200 GH.cedis.

Alhaji Ibrahim Abdul Rauf Tanko also made some of his executives to tour all the Snr high schools within mamprugu and beyond and wished all the 477 final year students who hails from mamprugu moaduri district good luck and again paid for their transportation home after their examination.

Again, Alhaji Ibrahim Abdul Rauf Tanko repeated his kind gesture to the B.E.C.E candidates in mamprugu moaduri district recently. He supported 435 candidates who sat for the basic education certificate examination (B.E.C.E) with an amount of 8700gh.cedis for their upkeep during their stay and again bussed them to their various communities after the exams.

My dear comrades, based on the track record of the member of Parliament hopefully for YAGABA-KUBORI constituency, Alhaji Ibrahim Abdul Rauf Tanko indelible achievements on education within mamprugu moaduri district and beyond, we testify to the incontrovertible fact that he has really done what Napoleon could not do.

Alhaji Ibrahim Abdul Rauf Tanko has no equal in mamprugu moaduri district in every sector of development.

To be continued....

#Victory for Alhaji Ibrahim Abdul Rauf Tanko

#Victory for JM

#jm Zang-tugi

By Abdul Majeed Ali (founding member and interim executive of students network for JM and PC's in mamprugu). E-mail:[email protected]