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Opinions of Wednesday, 16 February 2022

Columnist: Mawuyo Yakor-Dagbah

Actions speak louder

Mawuyo Yakor-Dagbah, author and president of GFD Mawuyo Yakor-Dagbah, author and president of GFD


Our words must match with our actions. Without action not much can be achieved. That is why I find the title of this event very important.

Working together towards Implementation of GDS 2022 Commitments on inclusion
We have to network and partner with other CSOs and international organizations to continue to engage relevant government agencies and duty bearers on the implementation of the commitment.

We have to do stakeholder mapping and identify the institutional arrangements in implementing and their key roles in the implementation. We need to work in a multi-sectoral manner with the MoGCSP/NCPD being the fulcrum. We have to also advocate for the effective involvement of persons with disabilities and organisations of persons with disabilities in the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the commitments.

Use of existing accountability mechanisms to monitor progress GDS 2022 commitments

Monitoring or tracking the progress of GDS 2022 commitments is essential.

Results frameworks on each policy commitment detailing outputs, outcomes, impacts, and key actions will facilitate annual performance reviews. However, we are not aware of any existing mechanism in place to track the implementation of the commitments. We will work with the MoGCSP/NCPD to develop a monitoring mechanism or make use of any existing tools to monitor the implementation of the commitments.

DPOs can also develop tools to monitor and track the progress of implementation of the commitments to reinforce the government’s monitoring process.

Role of OPDS, CSOs, Governments and multilateral organisations in the delivery of commitments made at GDS 2022

There will be the need to sensitize specific government MDAs in relation to their specific commitments. Ensuring that they integrate the commitments into their annual plan. Budgetary allocations are made for the commitment.

Collectively agreeing on a road map. We will also continue to advocate and engage duty bearers to ensure that the commitments are effectively implemented.


The implementation will also require the mobilisation of adequate resources, particularly financial resources to ensure effective and efficient implementation of the commitments.

In this regard, we need an action plan or a Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP). So that Resource mobilisation will be directed by the required budgets from the SIP.