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Opinions of Sunday, 10 September 2023

Columnist: Isaac Asare Poku

Aduru me so

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No particular person (NPP) is exceptionally mafia. It is just that every one of us is born naturally selfish and egoistic. When it comes to money, people do not only want to hear “Cash,” they want to see and feel it.

This makes it difficult for one to even trust his money-driven delegates. Worse than that, your relative can give you a showdown when you least expect it. Even so, you dare not stand independent because we are created as social beings.

Any attempt to be a third party, especially in Ghana, would be fatal to your life career. In the end, you can only look up to God for his appointed time because the battle is still the Lord’s.

It is only by God’s grace that we live, move, and have our being (Acts 17:28); hence, we should cast away any sense of entitlement. Such an attitude blinds us to thinking that we can relax in a rotten system and not be mangled by it.

Life rewards hard work and tact even to a supposed vicious person (VP), who is charged with inconsistency, mismanagement, and fiasco (IMF) (Gen. 27:40). Meanwhile, the race is not always too swift; time and chance happen to us all (Eccl. 9:11). Herein, the first can be the last and the last can be the first (Matt. 20:16).

God is the only one who knows our time of breakthrough. He makes everything beautiful in its time (Eccl. 3:11). As we wait for God’s time, let’s first resign from any corrupt governance of the flesh, strip our frail body of any sense of entitlement, and work hard to prepare the way for our victory.

In this, not even the threat or intimidation from the camp of our archenemy can stand in our way.

Prepare before your time.