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Opinions of Thursday, 1 December 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Advice to Pomaa, the Parliamentary candidate for Ashanti Juaben constituency

Nana Akufo-Addo Nana Akufo-Addo

By Rockson Adofo

From the interactions with the public, the following are the observations and conclusions established by a reliable source monitoring the campaign for Nana Akufo Addo and NPP in the constituency.

He has discovered to his utter astonishment how many constituents, thus, the electorates, have resolved to cast their votes in the manner of “Skirt and Blouse”.

This “skirt & Blouse” is a situation where the same electorate casts his/her presidential vote for say, Nana Akufo Addo of NPP, and his/her parliamentary vote for Kofi Agyei of say, NDC, PPP, CPP etc.

Normally, we expect the same electorate to cast both their presidential and parliamentary ballots for two candidates belonging to the same party.

When queried about their motive behind such a decision, most of them said you have surrounded yourself with a few youngsters who are determined not to grant access to anyone not within your close-knitted group to approach you.

You do disregard them in everything but the few people following you. By approaching you does not necessarily mean that they are coming to fleece you of your wealth although some electorates, may come to seek financial help. Just be around and explain your circumstances to them entreating them to bear with you as better days lay ahead when Nana Akufo Addo and NPP come to power. It is all about communication.

Did you ever buy a cocoa spraying machine only for a group of five persons whereas many are those that do cocoa farming in the area and may require access to the same facility? Could you not have advised that the machine should be available to every farmer who may have the need of it as long as the machine is operable?

I do not want the public to know all the grievances expressed to the source as communicated to me but please, rush back to your constituency to do effective campaigning; reconciling with as many aggrieved electorates as you could.

Do not assume that it is a safe NPP seat so you can comport yourself anyhow towards the electorates and still win the parliamentary seat hands down. No, things can take a turn for the worse for you.

Do not make the job of those that have travelled from afar to help with the campaign to bring Nana Akufo Addo and NPP to power very difficult by certain attitudes of yours that may be harmfully obstructive to our objective.

One would normally expect a parliamentary candidate to be based in their Constituency at this critical period rather than to be motoring from elsewhere into the constituency or not going there frequently.

This message was passed on to London for publishing because of the unlikelihood of the source meeting in person with Ama Pomaa before the election scheduled for 7 December 2016.

A word to the wise is enough. We cannot fail to win this election for the suffering Ghanaian masses, for Nana Akufo Addo and for NPP so Ama, heed my advice. We do not have to take any chances but be serious and do the right things until we have been offered the victory crown.