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Opinions of Monday, 18 October 2021

Columnist: Adjei Boakye

Adwuma no Asi

The writer, Adjei Boakye The writer, Adjei Boakye

Each year, over 100,000 students graduate from various public and private tertiary institutions. An average of about 40,000 are able to secure a job within a space of two to three years, leaving behind thousands of them unemployed in the system.

The question is: who is supposed to employ these fresh graduates with no working experience? We are in an era where private institutions can't even accommodate internship students.

Come to think of it, the system, both private and public is choked to the extent that, they can't absorb national service personnel. There are instances where national service personnel are sacked from their stations due to lack of space and other working logistics.

Who should be blamed? The politicians or the universities? Should we blame the graduates for not being innovative enough or what?

Our universities have failed woefully. How many universities in Ghana teach entrepreneurship as a program? Some students were lucky to be taught entrepreneurship as part of their program, but the question still stands; how many graduates can apply that book knowledge?

I have never, and will not on any day, blame those who travel outside the country to seek greener pastures. The system is wack, and not favourable for the youth. Most of us are suffering from one mental condition or the other. Some turning strategist investors for betting companies.

Why mother Ghana? What went wrong?

Now that we have been asked to start our own businesses without seed money and enabling environment, how feasible will that be? To the youth out there, put your own destinies into your own hands, and remould it.
Let's forget, the deception we've believed with this path, there's no "bright future".
The brightness of your future depends on how you think and see things.

I just received a phone call from a childhood friend, Josh, and the plan is so simple. We are starting our "Gob3" business, coming next week at Alajo. Ben's Gobs is the new niche and the right way to go.

Akpe Ghanian youth.