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Opinions of Saturday, 6 October 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Afari-Gyan begins a Secret Voter's Registration Exercise

Dr. Afari-Gyan begins a Secret Voter's Registration Exercise (of some Ghanaians) abroad

Determined and unflinching as the Electoral Commission chair (Dr. Afari-Gyan) is, he has secretly started registering some Ghanaians residing abroad to vote in the December 7, 2012 elections. As he obstinately promised to exercise his constitutional mandate regardless of any opposition, he has ordered Ghana Embassies and High Commissions worldwide to register their staff and Ghanaian students on government scholarship.

I had two credible phone calls last night informing me of the Ghana High Commission in London secretly registering some selected Ghanaians to cast their votes on December 7, 2012.

I wonder why Dr. Afari-Gyan has chosen to implement the Representation of Peoples Amendment Law (ROPAL) in bits. To him, the staff of the Ghana foreign missions and students on government scholarships will vote NDC in their majority if not totally, since NDC is their employer.

I have conclusively established by all facts available to me, coupled with the actions and statements by Mr. Afari-Gyan that he intends securing victory for the NDC party at all cost. Tongues are wagging, querying why he has assumed that unprofessional biased stance. Has he also profited from the fallouts from the dubious gargantuan judgment debt payments dished out to fraudsters by the NDC government in conniving sort of agreement?

I entreat all Ghanaians to rush to their Embassies and High Commissions to register. Do not allow Kwadwo Afari-Gyan to get away with that deplorable practice of selective ROPAL implementation to disenfranchise you. Upon all the vivid official corruption by the NDC government and her sympathizers, Kwadwo Afari-Gyan still wants them to stay in power.

All that discerning Ghanaians are asking for is a fair election in a peaceful atmosphere, but not the partially- inclined type intended by Dr. Kwadwo Afari-Gyan.

Lest I forget, are there any representatives of the various parties at the Embassies and High Commissions to certify the identities of the people they are registering? How could Rockson, that wise man from Kumawu, tell they are not registering people of other nationalities and ghosts to cast their votes for the NDC on December 7, 2012? Why is Afari-Gyan conducting the registration in secrecy? Even if not all Ghanaians abroad are allowed to vote, at least, he could announce the date that those selected few is registering. This will allow parties to send over their representatives to oversee the registration to ensure there are no criminal acts in play.

I invite all concerned and sensible Ghanaians to let us hear your voice. Do not keep silence to allow Kwadwo Afari-Gyan to tax your patience any further. Do not allow him to underestimate your intelligence.

Rockson Adofo