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Opinions of Thursday, 10 May 2018

Columnist: Issah Fuseini

After the three years NABCO Policy, what next?

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

The government under the leadership of H. E. Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo is willing to commit itself into solving unemployed youth in ghana, in doing so, the government has put in place measures that will help the recruits to secure permanent jobs at the end of the three years.

In the course of the three year period that they are on the NABCO programme, our expectation is that they will develop their skills, improve their professional competences and at the end of the period, they would have acquired the skills, training and the kind of qualification upgrade that will be required to ease them into permanent jobs. As part of government vision to get the youth engage, NABCO will imbibed or assimilate more people into the private sector to help secure permanent jobs after the three years of their service.

The government in the first year will pay all the enumerations on behalf of the company that has accepted to employ them, on the second year, the government or NABCO will pay fifth percent of the enumerations whiles the private company helps in paying the remaining fifty percent and the last year, the private company takes care of the enumerations.

After their service rendered to the private company, NABCO will arrange for the company to absorb fifty percent of the workers served under the NABCO structure. We want to be able to entice private sector enough to be able to absorb these people and it is our hope and confidence that by the end of the three years we will not be recycling 100,000 people back into the unemployment market.

While doing so, the government one district one factory would be ready to absorb the rest of the graduates falling out from the NABCO three years training with well equipped experience and ready to work. NABCO is also going to solve the problem of three working experience which every institution is asking for and expenses on workshops and training.

The president, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo on May Day launched the NABCO programme which is expected to, this year alone, employ some 100,000 young men and women to assist the public sector service delivery needs of the country. During the launch, President Akufo-Addo, indicated that NABCO will deliver jobs in prioritized areas defined under seven modules.

This is a major step to solving the graduate unemployment in Ghana. This intervention will mainly focus on graduates from tertiary institutions while the Youth Employment Agency takes care of the other categories of the unemployment category who are not graduates.