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Opinions of Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Again, John Boadu of NPP has faulted

Acting National Organiser for the NPP, John Boadu Acting National Organiser for the NPP, John Boadu

When the sweetness of power gets into your brain or overtakes your senses of reasoning, the outcome could often times be gibberish. This is the very state in which Mr John Boadu could in all certainty be said to be in according to my emphatic observations.

Hardly had the NPP won power when John Boadu undiplomatically lambasted some agitating electorates in the Western region for threatening to resist the nomination of a particular person for the position of DCE in their district. According to these NPP voters, the person named for the post had never participated in the campaign for NPP to win election 2016 hence they did not see the rationality behind choosing that person over and above the one they preferred as having been with them in rain or shine to garner NPP and Nana Akufo-Addo enough winning votes.

What did John Boadu do or say? He came out on air to castigate them saying they were simply making noise that would go nowhere. They could make as much noise as they wanted but the person they claim not to want would still be the person to get the DCE post. To John Boadu, their honestly expressed worry was just a noise in his ears. The NPP has won the election so who cares what the concerns of the electorates are as long as they do not fall in line with what the NPP leaders want; whether the processes taken are right or wrong.

I do not have to dwell on this because I did not hesitate to register my disagreement with his infantile views by putting out a publication on Ghanaweb and Modernghana to not only condemn his attitude but also, advised him against any further such thoughtless utterances.

A few days ago, in the wake of the public disagreement and trading of accusations between the Minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection, Ms Otiko Afisa Djaba, and the Northern Regional NPP Chairman Daniel Bugri Naabu, John Boadu again made a cockup. When Ms Otiko Afisa Djaba accused Mr Bugri Naabu of accepting bribes in the form of goats, fowls, sheep, etc. to recommend or support those from whom he takes such bribes to earn positions in the NPP administration, John Boadu came out in defence of the accused while refuting the accusations by the accuser.

He said accepting goats, sheep, etc. is simply taking offers but not bribes. He said when he was an NPP Youth Organiser or whatever, whenever he went to some districts or regions, he would return with his car full of goats, fowls and sheep. Did that mean he was taking bribes, he queried?

The circumstance under which such supposedly offers are given could well constitute bribe. If one is induced by the offers to return favours which he/she would otherwise not do if the offer had not been given, then the offer in some way is a bribe.

If your thoughts, decisions and actions are influenced by a gift to do what you would normally not use your position to do in favour of the giver of the offer, Mr John Boadu, be it known to you that the offer in that point of time has become a bribe.

I hope John Boadu will not rush to make public statements without thinking his statements through properly. He was probably cautious with his statements but since NPP won power, his public attitude and pronouncements have dramatically or drastically changed, however not for the better of the party but for worse.

He should bear in mind that his unfortunate, if not thoughtless, pronouncements, can come back to bite the party harder in future general elections. He should not do things to infuriate the electorates whose votes and assistance he or the party may need in future.

A word to the wise is sufficient.