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Opinions of Monday, 11 September 2023

Columnist: Joel Degue

Agbogbo-Za in Notsé: A celebration of Ewe culture and unity for socio-economic progress

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Notsé, a town in the Republic of Togo, whose centuries-old walls have now become the object of a major festival, the Agbogboza. Successors to a relatively young chieftaincy, invented by the German administration in Togi over a century and a half ago, have in the last 60 years championed a new ideology aimed at reinventing a lost kingdom.

Ironically, it was the harsh measures imposed by the town's ancient monarchy on its subjects that led to its early demise. Though Notse's kingship still retains its distinctive validating emblems, the most visible testimony to its past misrule, the great wall monument, now provides the unifying symbol for disparate and dispersed Ewe people all over the world who see the town as their cradle, their ancestral home.

The Agbogbo-Za festival in Notsé stands as a remarkable testament to the rich cultural heritage of the Ewe people of Togo. This annual festival is not just a celebration but also a symbol of unity and a reminder of the historical journey that the Ewe ethnic group has undertaken over the centuries. The celebration of this festival reminds the people of Notsé and the entire Ewe Ethnic Group globally to forge a new alliance for socio-economic development.

The importance of Agbogbo-Za:

Agbogbo-Za is not just a festival; it is a cultural cornerstone for the Ewe people. It serves as a time for reflection on their heritage, a celebration of their identity, and an occasion to strengthen bonds among family and community members. Beyond its cultural significance, this festival plays a pivotal role in fostering unity and cooperation among the Ewe people, both locally and in the global diaspora.

Historical roots: The Ewe migration:

To understand the importance of Agbogbo-Za, we must delve into the history of the Ewe migration. The Ewe people are believed to have migrated from their ancestral home in Notsé, a walled city in present-day Togo. This migration, which took place over several centuries, saw the Ewe people spread across the West African region. Archaeological records suggest that Notsé served as a central hub during this migration, leaving behind invaluable traces of Ewe culture and history.

The walled city of Notsé:

Notsé, once the epicenter of Ewe civilization, is a city steeped in history. Its defining feature is its ancient walls, which stand as a testament to the advanced architectural skills of the Ewe people. These walls served as protection, and within them, a vibrant culture thrived. King Agokoli I, a legendary ruler, is a central figure in the history of Notsé. His reign is celebrated during the Agbogbo-Za festival, honoring his contributions to Ewe society.

The exodus of the Dogbowo and the birth of the Anlo:

The Ewe migration reached a pivotal moment when the Dogbowo, a group within the Ewe, decided to venture southward. This journey marked the birth of the Anlo people. The exact date of this exodus remains a subject of historical debate, but it is commemorated during the Agbogbo-Za festival. The breaking through the fenced wall at Notsé represents the departure of the Dogbowo, symbolizing their determination to seek new horizons, new lands, and new beginnings.

Forging a new alliance for socio-economic development:

In the 21st century, the Ewe community, both in Notsé and the global diaspora, has a unique opportunity to come together and harness their collective strengths for socio-economic development. By preserving their cultural heritage through events like Agbogbo-Za and leveraging their shared history and values, the Ewe people can form powerful alliances aimed at addressing common challenges and pursuing economic prosperity.


The Agbogbo-Za festival in Notsé is more than just a celebration; it is a journey through time, a reminder of shared roots, and a call to unity. As the Ewe people honor their past, they also lay the foundation for a brighter future, one where cultural pride and cooperation lead to socio-economic development. Through the spirit of Agbogbo-Za, the Ewe community can forge new alliances and strengthen its global presence while preserving its rich heritage.