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Opinions of Sunday, 9 March 2003

Columnist: Annoh, Lyssiemay

Aggrey Memorial is 63

Aggrey Memorial A.M.E. Zion Secondary School, Cape Coast Is 63 Years Old! 1940 - 2003

63 years ago, Reverend Dr. A.W.E. Appiah, together with his able colleagues Bishop Edgar Benton Watson and Bishop S. D. Lartey, all Ghanaians, founded Aggrey Memorial American Methodist Episcopal Zion Secondary School in memory of his uncle Dr J E Kwegyir Aggrey. Amosas (The Old Students Associations) worldwide joined the School in the annual celebration of the achievements of their Founders.

Amosa UK marked the day with a Church Service at Walworth Road Methodist Church, London SE17 on Sunday 9th March 2003. The service was very well attended not only by the Church’s predominant Ghanaian, Sierra Leonean and Nigerian congregation all hailing the good works of a Ghanaian educationist Dr J E Kwegyir Aggrey; but also members of Amosa UK which included Chairman Hiram Laud-Anderson, the author, Richard Ockan, Justice Otoo, John Koomson, Elizabeth Gaisie, George Amoako-Prempeh, Rosemary Hammond, Rhose Copeman, Henry Oppon, Hans Wersin and Winston Okai.

The Chairman of Amosa UK, Hiram Laud-Anderson told the congregation that this year’s celebration was dedicated to all Amosas in the medical field. He acknowledged the likes of Dr Sackey for his diligence in Ear, Nose and Throat, Dr Bonsu for his work in Community Diseases, and his special efforts towards Burrili Ulcer and HIV/AIDS in Ghana and the sub-region, Dr Jehu-Appiah for his work towards emergency relief and exceptionally, Dr. Glover Aikins of the United States of America who organises annual visits of a group of American Doctors to visit Cape Coast hospital in Ghana to help treat the sick and infirm in the area at their own expense. He said such was the spiritual training which Aggrey School instils in its youth. Christian love and dedication wherever you are.

He added that Amosas worldwide are fulfilling the prophetic dreams of Dr Aggrey when he said:

“I want all my people, my country women and men, to be educated in the larger sense in heart, hand and head and thus render Africa indispensable in intellectual, spiritual and commercial products of the world”

In his Sermon Reverend Mustapha, a Sierra Leonean, told the congregation that he felt proud to be an African and to be part of the celebration with Amosa UK. Ghana has led West Africa in Education and Kwegyir Aggrey is acknowledged all over Africa especially West Africa. He likened the Old Students Associations to chickens who showed their gratitude when given water by dipping their beaks in the containers and raising their heads to God to acknowledge that even though they could only pinch a bit, they are grateful. He told the congregation that just like chicken, Amosas worldwide are grateful to their founders and God for establishing the school and giving them the education that has given them a head start in life.

Aggrey Memorial A.M.E. Zion Secondary School has made great strides. It has evolved from a low population to becoming the largest and one of the most sought after secondary schools in Ghana. The school’s motto ‘Semper Optimo Nitere’ (Always aim high) has been with all its students and today Amosa can count among them, educationists, consultants, journalists, writers, architects, engineers, Ministers of State, diplomats, parliamentarians all helping to entrench proper democracy in Ghana. Amosa has wonderful teachers and lecturers in Ghana imparting Aggrey ethics in today’s youth and they are doing this at the very school that trained them.

To every other Amosa in Ghana and elsewhere, especially those in the medical field – this is your year – ye ma hom mbo na ye (Well done!).