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Opinions of Saturday, 12 November 2011

Columnist: GNA

Agona West Municipal warns churches, mosques of noise makers

Agona Swedru, Nov 12, GNA - The Agona West Municipal Environmental Heath Department has served abatement notices to about 30 churches and mosques in the Municipality regarding the effects of noise making.

Mr Francis Esilfie, Municipal Environment Health Director, who made this known to the Ghana News Agency at Agona Swedru in the Central Region on Saturday, therefore, warned the churches, the mosques and other groups to control noise in the Municipality.

Other groups mentioned were cassette and CD sellers, spinners, drinking bar operators, corn millers, herbal medicine sellers, individuals and garages association members.

Mr Esilfie said the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines required a maximum noise level of 48 decibels in the night for residential area.

He said some of the ill effects of excessive noise on humans were hearing loses due to damages on the eardrum, heart diseases, hypertension, birth defect on pregnant women, sleeplessness, mental disorders and abortion.

He said in order to help prevent hazardous effects on the health of innocent citizens, noise should be controlled at all times to ensure safe and congenial environment.

Mr Esilfie said workers of Environmental Health Department had embarked on massive education on radio stations, churches, mosques, market centres and other public places on the need to control noise.

He said after the educational programme, anybody found flouting the law, would be arrested and prosecuted to serve as deterrent to others.

In another development, the Environmental Health Department had also waged war on traders and chemical sellers in possession of expired goods.

Mr Esilfie said the Department had learnt that most canned foods, drinks and others being sold to the public had expired.