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Opinions of Saturday, 15 February 2014

Columnist: Okofo-Dartey Samuel

Aicitel Noswad Yetrad

(A Poem For My Beloved)
Arrested by your charms
I was detained in your arms
And in that soothing haven
Will I eternally remain.
I sought virtues in beauty
And graciously found you.
As feminine courtesy dictated,
You tossed, teased and swerved
The sincere love overtures
That exuded without pretence
From a heart captivated, mesmerized
And battered by your benign allure.
Persistency and passion prevailed.
Resistance yielded to acceptance.
And today here we are
United in love to live in pleasure.
Lo, that which seemed a dream
Has morphed into a glittery emblem.

A vast stretch of posterity
And prosperity unfurl before us
With countless crises crisscrossing
Our strides. Forget not this:
A complex cast of perfect imperfections
l am. So, for the sake of our love,
Forgive me in committing the unsaid
As I wipe those tears with confessions.
File the rough edges of my
Mould into that perfect curvatures
You so desire. For wrong will you
Be to assume you bargained
For a perfect saint devoid of crudities.


Within my heart, my love,
You are the priceless prime portrait.
The others I can only admire not desire.
Do not squeeze your fragile frame
With jealousy and torment my heart
With weightless wariness.
Remember, I remain constant
In this mystery equation called love.
To compare you with any costly object,
Is to reduce the fragrance of your essence.
I love you and that is all my heart
Tells my mouth to tell you.


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