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Opinions of Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Columnist: Hiatsi, Dzifah

Akuffo Addo Has The Ball, Mills Needs To Return Favour

VooDoo Child: Nana Akuffo Addo Has The Ball, Professor Mills Needs To Return Favour

It is not difficult to guess the feelings of disappointment, hurt and even animosity within the two camps in this election. In one camp, joy, fulfilment, victory, even vindictiveness. In the other camp, how can the people betray us thus, we did everything we could do, what did we not do, but most of all, what happened, what happened?

What happened is, the people of Ghana spoke and there we have it. There was some anxiety when one camp said, we may not recognize the results from one or two regions and the other replied, we may not recognize the election results in one particular region. These regions are what you call, the world banks of both parties where the disparities in numbers between the winning votes and losers defied mathematical logic that, even that genius, Professor Albert Einstein would scratch his head in amazement to add up.

The thing about lying is, you need to keep lying all the time to make your story credible. It is a very difficult thing to do. Sooner than later, a criminal is bound to slip, stories would not add up and he would start desperately trying to justify and or make excuses for holes in the story. It is one of the basic lessons in criminology. Ghana should fear not the fraudsters and liars trying to bad name this elections. Sooner than later, some of the figures would start getting out of synch and impossible to add up, then we will know who is trying to fool whom. For the people of Ghana and Africa, especially black Africa, this is victory. The great black star of Africa did it again. This great country that produced Kwame Nkrmah, the number one African, the resting place of the great pan Africanist, Dr W Dubois, a haven for refugees, and freedom fighters. The country that helped bring peace to Congo, Liberia, Sierra Leone, the Middle East. We took on Apartheid and the hypocrites that supported them. When it was time to go through turmoil, we did it with gusto and came out with grace. A black shining star of hope for black Africa to follow.

From that moment that Kwame Nkrumah said those famous words, “the freedom of Ghana is meaningless unless it is linked to the total liberation of Africa” Ghana took on a certain responsibility and Ghanaians have always felt it a duty to lead Africa. The soul of pan Africanism really came into being in this proud African country and resides there forever. Another historic moment is here and Ghana is poised again to show the world that the black man has always been ready to seize control and shape his destiny. We have the opportunity to show that we were and are democratic and value the resolve of the people. They have spoken and the person who holds a major key now to complete the deal is NPP’s presidential candidate, Nana Akuffo Addo.

In the 2000 elections in which Attah Mills was so sure of himself that he predicted a first round win, reality snapped in his face when he lost to candidate Kuffuor in the second round. Yet it was Attah Mills that first gave a major validation to then president elect Kuffuor by conceding the elections and congratulating him. But not after the professor wisely advised the president elect to calm down his supporters and Agyekum Kuffuor did.

Nana Akuffo Addo. has the ball rolling in his court now. He is as a true son of Ghana and Africa and yes, a strong advocate for human rights. His name has been etched in Ghana’s history but here is his chance to make it golden. Nana, stay in touch with prof play that ball back and write you name in history. It would also be fair to ask the professor to return the favour that was extended to him in 2000 and calm his supporters down. Prof, it is time to shine but remember almost half of the people also voted for your Ghanaian and African brother Nana.

Right now, the winner is Ghana and Africa. It is one of the best times to raise one’s head high and say, proud to be Ghanaian, proud to be African. A largely peaceful elections, perhaps a wonderful birthday present for VooDoo Child.