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Opinions of Friday, 6 August 2010

Columnist: Adjei, Gideon

Akuffo Addo, The Nkrumaist

The real political identity of Akuffo Addo was presented by Harry Johnson Aggrey on Peacefm online news. The writer among other things presented Akuffo Addo as Nkrumaist from cradle stage to his Legon University campus days.
Aggrey Johnson mentioned that, Akuffo Addo and his father had several ideological confrontations at home. The Old Akuffo Addo was strong in his UP tradition but young Akuffo Addo never hide his admiration for KWAME NKRUMAH and CPP.Aggrey Johnson stated that, “In 1966 coup by NLC,Akuffo Addo and his socialist Nkrumah friends were chased out of the Legon University campus by NLC Soldiers and sought refuge in his Nima house. The writer said that “the Old man Akuffo Addo sat in his veranda laughing at his first born Akuffo Addo chased by the solders. (Peacefm online news July, 29 2010).
From the deliberations of Aggrey Johnson, I can see NRUMAISM deep rooted in Akuffo Ado’s political formation. I can infer that, Akuffo Addo admiration for Nkrumah started from the time he saw Nkrumah from UGCC days to his presidency. And Akuffo Addo heard from his Uncle J.B Danquah, sayings that, “If all the UGCC members failed the nation NKRUMAH will never fail the nation”.
Thus it is not a surprise to me that, Akuffo Addo and his UNC men joined Nkrumaist PNP in the third republic elections. In my previous article, I stated that, “NKRUMAH IS THE SALT OF GHANA POLITICS, WHOEVER WANTS TO WIN MUST ADD SALT NKRUMAH”. In effect most of NPP men have Nkrumaism in their political formation?
Kwame Addo Kuffor (President’s younger brother and former minister for defense) has Nkrumaism in his political formation. Ivor Agyemang writings on Kuffor stated that “Kwame Addo Kuffor was beaten several times in his Apagafie’s UP home for admiring Nkrumah”. Students in sociology and political science can see Nkrumah charisma in the political activities of Akuffo Addo and Kwame Addo Kuffor. Victor Owusu of PFP in his last days made political confessions that “THE GREATEST MISTAKE HE HAS DONE IN HIS LIFE WAS LEAVING CPP TO NLM”.
Dear brothers and sisters in Nkrumah family, let us happily welcome Akuffo Addo, the hidden Nkrumaist now reveal to us. He who is not against us is for us.
Now with this revelation, Akuffo Addo can now choose SAMIA NKRUMAH TO BE HIS VICE PRESIDENT.

Gideon Adjei (Msc. Interfaith Theology)