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Opinions of Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Columnist: Boateng, Chris Gyamfi

Akuffo Addo is bogus, incompetent and morally bankrupt to rule Ghana

"At the verandahs and stadia, people are asking if … Akufo-Addo can attack an MP and Minister when he is not even the President, what will he do when he is the President? . . . Serious political analysts are flabbergasted that a politician of his age, pedigree, and experience will emphasize, not once but twice, this potency which only start and fuel the speculation of lack of judgment, at best, and womanizing, at worst. The issue then is squarely whether the NPP or the country can afford a President who is perceived as arrogant and who promotes his potency in the Castle, or wherever the brand new $75M India-built Presidential mansion will be located."? Kwaku Azar. Dear readers, once again an ardent NPP activist in the person of Professor Kwaku Asare, domiciled in Florida, USA and christened Kwaku Azar, has issued a strong indictment on their flagbearer and mudding the waters for William Addo Dankwa Akuffo as quoted above. Like I wrote the other day, it will be deemed unwise to doubt the frog who resides underneath the waters informing us that the crocodile had kicked the bucket. Indeed, Professor Kwaku Asare (Kwaku Azar) features prominently in the NPP and therefore by writing such a scathing piece on Akuffo Addo and renouncing his character speaks volumes of the person who is trying desperately to lead our dear country.

A critical overview of Akuffo Addo’s traits and actions indicate that the man doesn’t have what it takes to lead a country and that he woefully lacks leadership qualities, as well as being reckless and violent. Let’s just consider two or three scenarios relating to how this man fared when he was a cabinet member in the NPP government and also as a member of parliament.

Just gloss over the massive leadership paralysis that characterized his administration at the attorney general’s department and let’s focus on how he stood aloof like a dummy at the foreign ministry department. As an ipso facto minister, Akuffo Addo couldn’t and did not exhibit leadership qualities by stamping his authority when a parcel of land earmarked for the foreign ministry building at the airport area was shared among some NPP leaders. The shallow and untenable explanation offered by his so-called nephew with dubious character and questionable law certificate Otchere Darko was that his uncle knew that it was immoral for the land to be shared by the NPP echelon, hence his refusal to participate in it! Can you believe this? Akuffo Addo considered that act of stealing government property as immoral but as the substantive minister and a lawyer who touts his civil rights credentials with the least opportunity and with the oversight responsibility of the that land, didn’t take any steps to protect the piece of national property? How serious is this man? How genuine is this man in his quest to lead with his deceptive slogan of believing in Ghana? This particular negligence is profoundly pathetic, disgusting, irresponsible and disingenuous on the part of Mr. Addo Dankwa Akuffo Addo.

That parcel of land falls under the jurisdiction of the foreign ministry which forms a microcosm of the macroscopic Ghana and therefore if Akuffo Addo couldn’t manage such an insignificant portion of Ghana, how can we trust that he can manage the whole country? And like Chaucer says, “...if gold is rotten, what then will iron do?” For what is the guarantee that Mr. Addo Dankwa Akuffo Addo would not look on unconcern when foreign entities invade and take possession of our oil fields? Even though he would consider it immoral for such marauding and encroachment to take place, he will not exercise any leadership control to redeem the oil fields. And this is the person who wants to lead Kwame Nkrumah’s Ghana? Over my dead body! I will reiterate here once more and question if Akuffo Addo did take any calculated steps to bequeath any spectacular development for the Akyem Abuakwa constituency where he was duly elected(albeit the intimidations and brutalities meted out to his opponents) by his people and served as a member of parliament? The only legacy we can think of and Akuffo Addo is very well noted for is the demonstration of his violence and brute perpetuated by him and unleashed by his goons on anyone who dared challenged him for that seat.

Is this the person some people consider being decisive and therefore should be entrusted with the destiny of Ghana? The man is bogus, negligibly incompetent and morally bankrupt and must therefore not be entertained near any leadership position, let alone the presidency of our dear nation.

Look, it’s one thing reading speeches written by somebody, and another thing doing and saying something substantive and significant for the collective good of the country. Even incoherent Sir John can read speeches written for him by presidential letterhead forger Mocta Bamba.

Akuffo Addo’s lacks of foresight and leadership qualities come to play whenever he makes extempore speeches. How on earth would any serious leader poke fun and desecrate the dead when given the opportunity to eulogize no mean a person than a former member parliament? Or, how on earth could any serious leader with good intentions to rule a country make polarizing speeches like ‘yen Akanfuo” which seeks to pitch one tribe against the rest of non-Akan Ghanaians or making extempore speeches such as “all die be die” which invokes nothing but a bloody violence and a war? Or describing others as voting one way while he himself supervises a –one way voting in both the Asante, the Akyem and the Kwahu areas of the Eastern Regions? No wonder Akuffo Addo has amply been described and aptly gauged as a careless and dangerous individual by both discerning Ghanaians and objective foreign observers. Ghanaian voters must be cautioned and reminded that Mr. Addo Dankwa Akuffo Addo doesn’t have what it takes to lead the country and that he has exhibited massive failures which know no bounds in the annals of Ghanaian political history and therefore voting for him means placing the country in the valley of damnation.

I’m Koo Boateng and I approve of the above message.

NB: I would like to thank all those who have commended and appraised my previous posts; I however, would like to tell all those who have issued verbal aggressions and threats on my life that “facts are sacred but comments are free” and that it’s only stick and stones which can break my bones and insults get nowhere near my bones. I will therefore expose and write on the facts bothering on the uselessness of Mr. Addo Dankwa Akuffo Addo, for his surrogates to freely comment on them with their insults and diatribes. To those who claim they know my abode in Philadelphia, I’ll tell them that’s not enough. I can give them my itinerary, my phone numbers and a GPS to my home; they’re warmly welcomed.

Chris Gyamfi Boateng, Northeast Philadelphia, Pa USA.