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Opinions of Friday, 18 April 2014

Columnist: Nimotey, Jacob Nii

Akuffo caused his own defeat in 2008 and 2012

; STOP the blame game and save NPP

Akufo Addo, the two time presidential candidate of NPP, after leading and causing our two consecutive elections defeats, has sent out his boys to lie and malign others like Alan Kyerematen, Dr. Apraku J.A Kufour and anybody who poses a threat to his failed ambition to be President.

Mustapha Hamid, Okoampaw Ahoofe, Gabby Otchere Darko a.k.a Mohammed Alhassan and Sir John who are writing and uttering words of hatred and division against a leading member of our party, Alan John Kyerematen, just for making a sincere suggestion on Metro TV for the party to do research into why we lost. But if not for mischief and hatred, why would Akufo Addo send his boys out to call Alan selfish and a non-loyalist to NPP? Why else would Mustapha Hamid who stole campaign funds, ($15,000), and Gabby Otchere Darko who has bought new house with campaign cash at East Legon, rather, call Alan selfish? A selfish person will not sacrifice for Nana to be flag bearer in 2007.

Ghanaians are the best judges of who and what Alan is. Alan Kyerematen we know him as noble, affable and humble leader who has served his party so much well. Alan's love for NPP dates back from formation of the NPP. In 2007, on Legon campus, Alan Kyerematen saved NPP and paid the ultimate price by allowing Akufo Addo to go without 50% + 1. Alan, again, led Nana Addo throughout the campaign and beyond. Nana Addo himself admits privately how much of help Alan has been to him personally and the NPP. And yet, these same ungrateful people come public to shout, "he did not help", what a cruel friends we have had in NPP. The growing hatred for Alan by Akufo Addo and co reminds me of the biblical story of Joseph and David, but God is the greatest.

To those who do not understand this hostile attitude towards Alan Kyerematen, I have this to share. Akufo Addo does not won’t to take responsibility for his electoral defeat and will push the blame on anybody or institution he can lay hands on. Akufo Addo failed to fulfill the promise of unity and power he made to the NPP, and so he and his cronies want to do their evil possible best to rob in innocent Alan who has helped them. Let Akufo Addo blame himself for his disastrous political comments and for his unproductive parallel campaign team which made party structures useless. Let Akufo Addo blame his cronies for mishandling campaign funds and issues.

The truth is that, we lost 2008 and 2012 because Akufo Addo does not have the right leadership to foster unity. Nana does not know that after primaries he has a hard task of creating accommodating environment for all to come on board, he failed to bring people closer. Akufo Addo is not interested in working with right people who would tell him the best way to go, instead, he enjoys the damaging praises of bootlickers around him who would not work hard enough to make him president. Akufo Addo's weakness and inability to reprimand and sack his family and friends who mishandle campaign funds is what has brought our defeat.

Akufo Addo might have had so much in experience and exposure, he was Attorney General, Minister for Foreign Affairs, MP, etc, but Nana seems to have drawn the wrong lessons from these experience and exposure. Akufo Addo is symbol of disunity in NPP today. Nana Addo failed to call Sir John to be neutral as General Secretary, he again was ok with the deadly slogan of "no nana no vote", championed by Amoako Tufour. PC Appiah Ofori, Akufo Addo's campaign member, referred to all former ministers under Kufour as corrupt except Nana Addo, but these men have always followed Akufo Addo to his campaign. And Nana Addo is very much ok with PC Ofori. Akufo Addo promised unity and power, he has failed to fulfill this simple promise, so why would you give him your vote if you were a delegate?

Jacob Nii Nimotey

Odododiodoo Constituency

[email protected]