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Opinions of Thursday, 11 October 2007

Columnist: Amankwah, Nana Kofi

Akufo Addo Attacks Alan- Rejoinder

I have been in Ghana
I know who the majority of the Ghanaians want.
After completing my personal investigation…
I will endorse my Candidate…

The Lens Newspaper article dated Saturday 29th September 2007, “Akufo Addo Attacks Alan “K,” Akufo Addo is a self –aggrandizing politician who loves to promote himself with the media by talking political garbage. The most shocking and disheartening statements that I have heard from any of the presidential candidates is that Alan Kyerematen is new to the NPP party. This individual has tried many ways to discredit Alan Kyerematen honesty and trustworthiness for his egocentric political gains.

Akufo Addo, “fire on some colleague aspirants, describing them as cowards who hide under their beds when the going was tough for the NPP in Opposition.” First of all, it was the late Adu Boahen who sacrificed his own life and went to prison by taking a strong initiative against PNDC’S autocratic regime. It was his efforts in politics that Ghanaians are enjoyed this democratic government principle we are seeing today. So Akufo Addo where were you when Adu Boahen was going to Jail? After you and your uncle helped your friend Jerry John Rawlings and Kojo Tsikata to come to power and murdered innocent people in Ghana. What does Kwame Mpiani also have to say? Akufo Addo continued to use threats against the NPP polling station executives and some constituency chairmen. Ladies and gentlemen, Akufo Addo’s campaign is in trouble, he is desperate to attack Alan Kyeremanten’s integrity and his honesty to the UP tradition and NPP party. The question is, are these personal attacks tantamount to a vote? Akufo Addo’s attack is political nonsense, because of what he did in 1979 for destroying the PFP’S chances of winning the election. He is trying to discourage and threaten his challengers by using political rhetoric advocating personal attacks on Kyerematen. He feels threatened by Alan’s views that represent the next generation leadership for Ghanaians. Akufo Addo is now saying if Alan Kyerematen wins the nomination, something will happen; this threat comes from Akufo Addos camp at Akyem Oda. I bet Akufo Addo all the money in the word that if his own prediction comes true, he cannot do a damned thing. Akufo Addo thinks those PFP members who are also NPP elites have forgotten what he did against the UP traditions in 1979. You are going to reap whatever you have to sowed in politics. I want Akufo Addo to understand that nobody is afraid of his increasing daily radical pressures on the delegates and NPP party members across the country.

Akufo Addo said “They say I am arrogant and intolerant; I don’t like people, but let me tell you I am not like that. The issue is that I hate injustice” Now Akufo Addo hates injustice! Yes of course injustices indeed are lies. When Akufo Addo was attorney general he could not prosecute criminals like K ojo Tsikata, Tarcho Tsikata, Jerry John Rawlings and his wife Konadu Agyeman Rawlings. When the aforementioned individuals were in power, their PNDC policies contribute to so many injustices in the country; they confiscated innocent people properties and murder them. Now Akufo Addo have the audacity to talk about injustice; then again during the PNDC regime the current Attorney General who worked in Akufo Addo’s Law firm was fired for prosecuting his PNDC cronies including PV Obeng for their criminal acts against the state. Where is your stand pertaining to the injustice you hate? Akufo Addo is tying to win the public trust by attacking his opponents instead of allowing the delegates to earn his trust. I urge all the delegates to be aware of Akufo Addo, s dirty political tricks because voting for Akufo Addo is the same as voting for the vicious dictatorship NDC. If Akufo Addo wins the nomination he will work secretly with tyrannical rulers Kojo Tsikata and Jerry Rawlings which will be disastrous for our dear motherland.

From; Nana Kofi Amankwah (New York)

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