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Opinions of Monday, 30 June 2008

Columnist: Amonu, Kofi

Akufo Addo, Be Wise, Enough Promises Already

Not too long ago my article, ?Quite Frankly, Akufo Addo Is Unfit To Be President?, in which I dared Okoampa Ahoofe, NPP-USA, Dr. Arthur Kennedy, Kofi Ropal, members of the Akufo Addo's presidential campaign team and all Akufo Ado?s backers to list their hero?s achievements as a minister for seven years, was posted by Ghanaweb. That article generated a swarm of comments with many readers expressing gratitude while others insulted me. I was elated, not only by the praises but also by the insults, particularly the one-word insults, because they assured me that I had hit the nail right on the head and it hurt people who want Akufo Addo to be president for no good reason. For obvious cause none of the people and organizations that I challenged has responded with accomplishments that merit making Akufo Addo president of Ghana ? they can?t find one.

As if his attention had been drawn to my article or by sheer happenstance, Akufo Addo, for the first time in his campaign, said something about what he did in the past. He said ?as a person, I care deeply about the future of this country. Over the last three decades, I have been in the trenches, fighting to establish our democracy, to expand the frontiers of our freedoms and to make our nation better. From UNIGOV to KUMEPREKO, I have always been there?. This statement, as well as the slew of promises that Akufo has been making has driven me to write this article.

At the close of this article I have commented on Akufo?s statement that appears to be his claim of political feat so if you are already tired of his unrelenting list of promises as I am, scroll down to the finale but if you have not been paying attention you may read the inventory of promises that he has made in only the month of June, which has not even ended.

* A government led by Akufo-Addo would build a bridge across the Volta Lake at Dambai in the Krachi East District to link the Krachi-West district.

* I pledge that my administration will move towards the goal of having a public University in each region

* I pledge to establish and a modern airport that will make Tamale the gateway to the North. * I am also pledged to establish a 1 billion dollar Industrial Development Fund that will support enterprises. * We shall support real estate developers to erase the significant housing deficits we face while creating needed jobs in our economy.

* Under my administration, I plan to move Ghana from the third world to the group of the world industrialized nations. * Armed robbery and other security related challenges would be tackled professionally to protect national sovereignty, rights and freedoms of the citizenry.

· Government will absorb additional user fees for science students to encourage the

studying of science.

* The nation would spend about 75 million Ghana cedis to implement free compulsory secondary education programme and teacher training colleges would be upgraded to tertiary level to train more qualitative teachers who would be capable of implementing the New Education Reform.

* The School Feeding Programme would be expanded to enable parents to send their children to school.

* The next NPP Government would give priority attention to issues that would underpin an all-round youth development to enable them become useful citizens in the country.

* I am committed to ensuring that the gap in education between the north and south in the country was bridged.

* The District Assembly Common Fund would be increased from five per cent to ten per cent to enable district assemblies to undertake development projects for the benefit of the majority of the people.

* I will institute measures to collaborate with agencies in the United States and the United Kingdom in the fight against the drug menace.

* Under my Presidency the nation would make use of globalization in such a way as to enhance the nation's capability and capacity.

* My administration will double the Police Force to 50 thousand in the next five years. (He is not even aware that that he is running for a term of four years)

* Our Government will resource all security services, especially the Police and the Courts so that the individual and sanctity of contracts would be respected for accelerated development for Ghana to become a middle income country by 2015.

* Ghanaians would experience better lives under the NPP Government of 2009.

* Only an NPP Government that could secure brighter and better future for them.

* I would pursue NPP's positive change chapter two agenda to build a dignified, united, free and prosperous country, expand educational opportunities at all levels, make secondary education free and extend the School Feeding programme to all public schools.

* NPP would not practice divide and rule tactics but develop every part of the country as one people, one nation with one destiny.

* NPP's Positive Change Chapter Two goes beyond 2008.

* In the NPP health care policy, minors less than 18yrs would have free access to health care. He added $40 million would be coming from Great Britain for the program.

* In the NPP health care policy, minors less than 18yrs would have free access to health care. He added $40 million would be coming from Great Britain for the program.

* Under my administration, revenue from the oil find would be used judiciously to build a united, strong and free nation.

* I promise a transparent and accountable use of revenue from the oil find to develop every part of the country when voted into power.

* My immediate pre-occupation as President, would be to provide two pontoons on the lake to provide safe transportation between the two districts under the Millennium Challenge Account. (He obviously does not know the restrictions of the MCA)

* Rather than cutting down the size of government, I would focus on strengthening the institutions of state.

* The Police Service, the Attorney-General's Department, the Serious Fraud Office and the Commission on Human Rights and Administration would be adequately resourced and given the requisite wherewithal and independence to be able to perform their duties.

* Under his presidency, priority would be given to the security of the nation and its citizens.

* I am going to give greater priority to ministries that are critical to the survival of the nation and the Interior Ministry is one of them.

* I am determined to give critical support to areas of national life that would give Ghanaians a sense of hope and security.

* There is not going to be separate rules for certain sections of the society while some so-called elite or privileged class operated under different set of rules.

* We are committed to creating a society that is just, humane and equitable.

* Model schools that resemble Achimota, Adisadel, Prempeh and Mfantsipim would be established in every district.

* My government would be held accountable for oil revenue if misused.

* I am committed to fighting corruption with vigour. (Isn?t this a joke?)

* I shall hold my Ministers and other officials accountable.

* We shall fight the drug menace vigorously by improving the collaboration between law enforcement agencies.

* I commit my government to the construction of fifty thousand units per year.

* We shall increase the resources for garbage and waste treatment significantly.

* I shall lead by example, through a hands-on approach, working around the clock to restore the culture of hard work.

* I shall create an effective and efficient public service that delivers to the expectation of our people.

* I will offer a leadership of competence, courage, compassion and commitment.

Akuffo Ado, In 16 years, Rawlings and Kufour could not do half of what you are promising to do in 4 years even with you as a prominent member of Kufour?s government so who are you trying to deceive? Tell us why you have not said a word about uncompleted NPP projects like the $60m Presidential Palace, the $20m Independence wastefulness that has not been accounted for, the purchase of presidential jets at $37m, and the Talk Time Tax Bill and that other nonsense called ROPAL which you asked for money to implement? These are projects that you voted for and stand to inherit if, may God forbid, you become president of Ghana.

Nana, UNIGOV happened about a third of a century ago and KUMEPREKO took place when you were in opposition and a significant percentage of the Ghanaian population was not even born. Your involvement in UNIGOV and KUMEPREKO is what put your name on the list of political activists and ultimately aided you in becoming a minister. Now voters want to know what you did as a minister to guarantee that there would be no need for a ?YE WU OO? demonstration. They want to know what hou did as a minister for seven years when there was no deed to join a demonstration against your own party.

Ghanaians be aware that Akufo Addo did nothing in the past but he is promising you the world in future. Beware of a barefooted man who promises to buy you shoes. Hmmm. Shine your eyes, as Nigerians say, and you will see that Akufo Addo is excellent at fighting a ruling government but when given the chance he cannot run one of his own.

I may be wrong, but I doubt it.

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