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Opinions of Monday, 15 December 2008

Columnist: Prince AA Mohammed

Akufo Addo, Bring Arthur kennedy To Order

Dear Dr. Arthur Kennedy,

In reference to your recent comments on every little opportunity you get is to play down on the former President Jerry John Rawlings. People like you should know better that the unity of this country can not depend on you folks. If I were Nana Addo I would have replace Arthur Kennedy for his loose talks which can not add one vote to Nana.

You should know that when the former President was ruling this country you were some where looking for greener pastures. You were not in this country to share with us the hardships that we the people of Ghana face during the 1983 food crisis and even beyond that .If you can not praise Rawlings for good work done please leave him alone.

When you were enjoying yourself in the foreign lands.

Dr Kennedy, are you not happy that you came to meet power hander over peaceful to your party. Indeed you are not adding a single vote to Nana. Dear Nana, Arthur Kennedy is an enemy to your campaign. So my piece of advice to you is to stop him talking, the more you talk about the former President the more your party loses votes, if you do not know.

Because of the former President that some voters including myself voted for the NDC... The former President is not contesting any elections, but why have you made him your target. It is clear that you have no message for voters so step aside.

Nana if you do not ask Arthur Kennedy to shut his large mouth, you will be very sad come Dec 28th 2008. Good luck.

Hon Prince AA Mohammed Tamale South Constituency.