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Opinions of Sunday, 16 December 2007

Columnist: Amankwah, Nana Kofi

Akufo Addo Turned Boxer

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) presidential aspirant Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo has turned the parliament house of chambers into a boxing ring. Akufo Addo will be a great boxer to represent the entire nation both locally and internationally, but not as a president who will use his head to resolve issues rather than using his hands without thinking of the consequences.
The pale local press in Ghana are all running scared. They favor Akufo which is wrong for the nation. Akufo Addo owns the Statesmen News papers and some radio stations that have given him major influence in controlling the press and publishes true stories about his character. Which the press treats them as negative stories about him; however they are all true and factual. How in the world can Akufo Addo start a fight and physically attack his fellow legislator in the parliamentary chambers and the press is saying nothing about it? These cowardly yellow journalists who have been bought by Akufo Addo have the audacity to publish some negative stories against Akufo Addo’s political opponents for no reason. When Akufo Addo acted foolishly violent in Parliament by engaging nasty shouting and attacking his fellow parliamentarian, they are now shielding him from the public consciousness. This is a politician who wanted to rule the nation and has now engaged in a disgraceful act and the press and radio stations across the country have kept mute on this important issue. These journalists are playing favoritism over the integrity of Ghanaians to protect this arrogant, temperamental, factious, a man without a vision, a man without class and on egocentric politician, to preserve his clout with the NPP in order to win presidential nomination and rule our motherland. Akufo Addo thinks the NPP nomination is his gig.
The essence of a journalist covering stories of politicians is this; politicians are the servants of the nation; they serve the citizens of the nation. As a result of that the citizens are their bosses to whom they all have to be accountable for everything they do from their local constituencies to the national level. Their lifestyles and their behavior are open book to the public whom they serve. If a politician does not want the public to know about his life, he or she does not need to served the public. Let me say it again loud and clear; they are not our bosses but they are rather our servants and we demand accountability from our servants.
On December 4th 2007, when the members of parliament were debating on the 2008 budget in parliament, Akufo Addo attacked Hon. Stephen Asamoah Boateng in the Parliamentarian cafeteria. According to my investigation Hon. Asamoah Boateng took a business trip to London where he met some Ghanaians who are members of the NPP. They came to ask the Minister about the candidates who might win their party’s nomination. Hon. Asamaoh Bonteng stated clearly that all the candidates are good Stewarts, but John Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen will win the nomination and will go on to become the next president of Ghana. I personally agree with him 100%. After the conversation with the group, one of them who happened to be Akufo Addo,s supporter called Akufo Addo in Ghana to inform him about the Minister’s assertions. This did not set well with Akufo Addo. Akufo Addo who is a very nasty politician who has frequently used intimidation, harassment and verbal attacks on his political opponents is now resorting even to physical violence. Akufo Addo accused falsely the Hon. Asamoah Boateng of performing his duties and started to insult him in the parliament building where we do our nation’s business. Akufo Addo has the nerve to attack somebody for his performance as Minister. But what did he do when he was Attorney general? A very poor performance indeed. The question is what kind of message Akufo Addo is sending to the nation.
Ladies and gentlemen Nananum, Akufo Addo is the wrong choice to lead our beloved country; Akufo Addo is wrong to be a member of parliament; Akufo Addo is wrong to engage fights in our nation’s parliament. Akufo Addo is a disgrace to the NPP party. We should hang our heads in shame if Akufo Addo is nominated over a visionary leader like Alan Kyeremateng.

From Nana Kofi Amankwah (New York)

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