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Opinions of Thursday, 19 August 2021

Columnist: Joel Savage

Akufo Addo doesn’t even know the qualities he needs to become a competent leader

President of Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo President of Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

If the president of Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo, critically looks at himself, his work and compare them to the previous Ghanaian leaders, if he is sincere to himself, he will admit that he is a total failure and could possibly be the worst president in the political history of Ghana.

It baffles many Ghanaians till today, why Nana Akufo Addo appointed the largest number of ministers than any Ghanaian leader, yet he failed miserably.

If one analyzes the life of Akufo Addo, you will quickly identify he was inspired by his father to enter into politics without any significant leadership qualities.

He promised God to build a Cathedral, therefore, that was his ambition, leaving behind all the problems in the country.

Before anyone would be a president, there are many things that motivate them. Based on qualities of leadership; they strive to serve the common people, to leave behind a legacy that will remain indelible in the country’s political history.

I am sorry to say that Akufo Addo is not that kind of a president.

To be honest, what always amazes me is what Kwame Nkrumah achieved and the industries he built within a relatively short period after Ghana attained its independence.

Yet it surprises me that due to hate and tribalism, the face of this great leader is being dragged in the mud today even though no Ghanaian leader can ever compare himself with Nkrumah.

Akufo Addo declared Mahama corrupt and promised to protect the public’s purse. At the same time promised to change Ghana with different projects, including hospitals.

In the office for four years, the president was confronted with general social problems and dissatisfaction with the work of his incompetent ministers.

Virtually every Ghanaian, except the tribal bigots, noticed Nana Akufo Addo is not only incompetent but also lacks leadership skills, strength, and self-confidence to rule the country.

Amidst the vast rich mineral resources in the country, the president disappointed the poor masses, with shortcomings in the work of his elephant-sized ministers.

Thus, it concluded that the majority of the citizens do not want him, yet the president manipulated his way through the 2020 presidential elections, through the help of the corrupt Electoral Commission’s boss, Madam Jean Mensah.

How does a leader differ from a leader? What qualities do you need to become a true leader?

Nana Akufo Addo can easily give impressive answers to these questions to create an impression that he is a good leader but practically, he and his ministers are wasting Ghana’s resources without offering anything significant to the common people.

Leadership is based on a successful combination of ideas, skills, and efficiency, to achieve certain goals, with the influence of personal qualities and management skills. Above all, a good leader takes responsibility for every issue in the government.

Akufo Addo never in his life accepted the responsibility for things going bad in administration, including corruption, political unrest, high rate of unemployment, and crime.

Under his administration, God only knows the reason he keeps those involved in corruption scandals. This is what has portrayed him as corrupt too because birds of the feathers flock together.