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Opinions of Thursday, 23 August 2012

Columnist: Kusi, Duncan

Akufo Addo has a vision for Ghana

It is very clear that Nana Akufo Addo has a vision for Ghana if we go through his recent speech.

Ghana needs such a person to lead the country to the promise land. We could argue that wiithout education Ghana is nothing so let us all rally behind Nana and give him the mandate to govern the country and let his visions become a reality.

It is rather unfortunate that P/NDC government has not been able to fill the teaching vacancies in our basic and junior high schools around the country and yet trumpeting around the world that its government has built over two thousand schools to replace under tree schools, although we have not seen the pictures of the schools and where they were built.

Researches have shown that on 25th August, 2010, (ghana web). Prinicipals of Colleges of Education met at Wa in the Upper Western Region. They complained about shortages of teachers for our primary and junior schools. They did mention that their outfits were able to train only 9000 teacher while some of the colleges had the capacity to admit and train more teachers but P/NDC government said, there was no money to support that.

According to the (PRINSCOF) Principals of Colleges, there were about 30,000 teaching vacancies at that moment but out of that demand, they were able to train only 9000 teachers because of lack of resources.

Today the teaching vacancies have reached 60,000 according recent Nana Addo's speech, but at the same time we have over 70,000 unemployed graduates in the country and P-NDC government does not see the reason why the schools have to get teachers to teach the children.

The question is, does it make sense to build classrooms around the country as P/NDC government has been trumpeting around and find it difficult to recruit teachers to teach in those classrooms that were buiilt with tax payers money? We could argue that this is also a financial loss to the state because the government did not make proper use of tax payers money.

The answer to these problems is to vote for Nana Addo. He is the one who can solve the problems. If mistakingly Ghanaians retain P/NDC government in power, the hardships would be trippled. Now USA dollar is no where to be found why? Is who's responsibility? Where was the Bank Of Ghana governor when the demand for that hard currency began? What did he do before the situation escalated?

If today we have the governor of Bank of Ghana as our Vice President, what do we expect from him? If we believe that the veep has something special for Ghana then we are finished.

The same thing applies to the sitting president- President Mahama who blamed University graduates for pursuing wrong courses that is why they are unemployed "Daily guide" (19th November 2011).

Infact I was not expecting such language from the higher office of the country. Meanwhile President Mahama Studied history and eventually studied social Psychology from Russia.

If President Mahama was been able to say that, why should we retain him as a president in this country?

It is obvious that Mahama has no solution to unemployment and as a result of that Ghanaians should vote him out and try Nana Addo.

Coming 7th December 2012 is the day we should make very good decision. Decision to vote out P/NDC from power to pave way for developments and properities.

May God bless us.