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Opinions of Friday, 27 November 2009

Columnist: Amankwah, Nana Kofi

Akufo Addo is Frustrated with Electing the New Executives

Since Akufo Addo’s failed New Patriotic Party (NPP) presidential bib in the 2008 general elections to retain the party in power, he has continued to pursue his egocentric political ambition to lead the NPP organization again in 2012. This 70-year-old man in his mind believes that Ghanaians and the NPP organization owe him the presidency of Ghana. Ghanaians will now clearly see the rationale behind his reasons for refusing to return the remaining NPP 2008 campaign money back to the organization, money which the organization needs now.

Recently, during the new executive member elections across the constituencies, Akufo Addo, the 70 -year- old man washout in Ghanaian politics, decided to use the remainder of the 2008 NPP presidential campaign monies at his disposal to bribe some constituency polling station chairmen and Vic chairmen to elect his own favorite polling station executives. Those he deems will have the opportunity to select the next NPP presidential candidate in the 2012 delegate elections in December 2010. This Akufo Addo and his criminal cronies within the NPP organization have continued to lie to NPP members both inside Ghana and outside Ghana that he is the champion for the expansion of the NPP Electoral College.

However, after 30 years of our UP organization being in opposition without any hope, John Agyekum Kufuor was able to put his political and his family financial assests on the line to bring the UP tradition back into govern our nation. For the first time the UP traditional party was able to govern the nation in two consecutive terms for the history of this organization. John Agyekum Kufour was able to raise millions of dollars for his successor Akufo Addo to use to campaign and retain the power for the organization. But Akufo Addo who is following his Uncle William Ofori Attah and his own father’s footsteps by refusing to use their personal money to finance the activities of the UP tradition. They always expected someone to use his personal fortunes to finance the party, but when it reaches the leadership positions they always wanted it. After Dr K .A Busia (P.P) government, of which Akufo Addo’s father was president, was overthrown from the presidency in 1972, Victor Owusu, who was the Attorney general, he was the one who used his personal finances to keep the UP tradition activities on track. When it came to choosing a leader to head the organization in 1979, Akufo Addo and his uncle William Ofori Attah wanted to lead the institution, though they did not invest a penny in the UP organization.

Akufo Addo, who did not raise any substantial monies for the NPP campaign in the 2008 general elections but inherited millions of dollars from John Agyekum Kufour, did not use the money for its purpose. These monies were not his personal money but the NPP’s money. Akufo Addo has kept half of the money for his egoistic self. Now some NPP activists and News papers in Ghana have begin to publish the articles on the monies which I have been preaching on for months now in Ghana for this 70 year- old man Akufo Addo should return the remaining NPP campaign money to the party. During the current polling station executive elections Akufo Addo was able to bribe some people with one thousand Ghanaian cedis (Gh 1000.00) each in the greater Accra region to vote for his choice. Now people are questioning where he got all this money from to bribe people because Akufo Addo just ran for national election ten months ago and lost. Where did he got all these monies from? The former Coaco board (CEO) Isaac Osei is vigorously complaining about this 70-year-old Akufo Addo spreading money to people to vote for his people at the various constituencies in the country. This Akufo Addo is creating a serious havoc issues with money bribing within the NPP now, which the NPP members need to deal with he has stolen the party’s money. In the end this Akufo Addo will continue to be frustrated unless he invites his criminal cronies like the Former National Security Minister Francis Poku, Lord Commey and Peter Mac Manu to represent him in every constituency across the country for the next NPP delegate election. I honestly promise that this 70 year-old man Akufo Addo will lose the NPP presidential nomination. Akufo Addo will never become president in Ghana. This 70-year old man Akufo Addo has already been damaged over his participation against the UP tradition in 1979 general election between the UP (PFP) and CPP (PNP). There is a media circulation in Ghana that Akufo Addo has used the NPP 2008 campaign money to purchase houses in Great Britain for his family members. The newly elected polling stations executives will show Akufo Addo between them who have the common sense to decide who lead the party in 2012 election. They are looking for a charismatic young leader to head NPP in 2012.

From: Nana Kofi Amankwah (New York)