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Opinions of Tuesday, 21 December 2021

Columnist: Joel Savage

Akufo-Addo is the biggest obstacle to Ghana’s development

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

In developed countries, many are inspired into politics just to make things better for the people, therefore, sometimes; I do ask myself why did Nana Akufo Addo decide to be president?

Don’t blame me for asking this question because Akufo-Addo’s appearance on Ghana’s political scene has brought untold hardships to the common Ghanaians than any Ghanaian leader under a democratic government.

It is very obvious that before becoming the president, Akufo-Addo, apart from financial difficulties, experienced psychological pressure over his efforts of becoming a president, thus; from the day the opportunity arrived, the president has misused and abused his office till now.

The man who once said, “Yeti Sika Su Na Ekom Di Yen,” now appears to have lost his knowledge in ruling Ghana because of corruption. Akufo Addo and his family have ruined Ghana beyond recovery.

The same person who claims to protect the public’s purse has been involved in multiple corruption scandals, including NPP politicians, such as Anin-Yeboah and Eugene Arhin.

Under his administration, several banking institutions collapsed in the country.

The current president is the only Ghanaian leader that has overborrowed so much that Ghana is under heavy debt, yet the NPP government can’t boast of any significant projects the monies were used for.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, on April 2, 2020, the World Bank decides to provide $100 million to Ghana to assist the country in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic.

The money was made available to the government and the people of Ghana as short, medium, and long-term support.

In November 2020, the same year, the European Union has mobilized €86.5 million in emergency budget support to help Ghana in tackling the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic.

So why should the Ghanaian government blame the COVID-19 for their incompetence and corruption which are responsible for today's political and economic disasters in Ghana?

The question many have refused to ask is how can the NPP government spend so much money yet no one can see any major developments in the country?

Despite all the political carnage caused by the president, Nana Akufo-Addo is telling Ghanaians today that he Is aware things are difficult in the country but it’s not his fault.

I wasn’t surprised to hear that because like all African leaders, Akufo Addo has refused to accept responsibility.

The appearance of Akufo-Addo on Ghana’s political scene is a political tragedy that will continue to ruin the country and the lives of the people because he lacks leadership skills and doesn’t know how to create jobs.

The truth is the suffering that has transpired so far under his administration is just the tip of the iceberg, since he has three or more years to rule the country, Ghanaians must be prepared to face the worst leadership in Ghana’s political history.

It even frightens me to hear that the now most corrupt and inefficient political party in Ghana, the NPP wants to retain power in 2024.

The mere thinking of this sends a cold wave through my spine. God should save our beloved Ghana from the hands of these corrupt unqualified politicians desperate to rule a country for their selfish gains.