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Opinions of Saturday, 6 May 2017

Columnist: Office of Fred Amankwah - Sarfo

Akufo-Addo leading the fort for regional and economic integration

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

His Excellency Nana Addo Danquah Akuffo Addo has once again demonstrated exemplary leadership with his tour of our neighboring countries starting with Togo.

This is in the right direction especially considering the little hitches that sprung up between the NPP and the government of Togo within some few months to the 2016 general election.

Discussions between my President and the President of Togo aimed at strengthening the diplomatic ties and pursuing a mutually beneficial developmental agenda with respect to Agriculture, trade, water, electricity power, sanitation, free movement of goods and services (24 hour open boarder) among others were just in the right direction which if implemented will help foster the growth of both countries.

This shows how competent the President is, and also his strong commitment to upholding the ECOWAS Protocols and his eagerness to get Ghana and the sub region developed through strong economic integration in the fastest possible time.

As part of the NPP government's efforts towards achieving the African Union's agenda 2063; The Africa We Want, I will urge Presidents of our neighboring countries and on the continent to partner His Excellency Nana Addo Danquah Akuffo Addo towards attaining the development of our respective countries in the sub region, and also the African continent.

It is our hope that the President of the Republic of Ghana's tour will reach all the other countries within the ECOWAS sub region and beyond to help in building an overall cordial relationship for the socio economic growth and development of our country.

I join many citizens within the ECOWAS sub region in congratulating and appreciating the excellent leadership qualities exhibited by our President in this direction.

We are proud of our President.

Long live ECOWAS
Long live Ghana's Exemplary Leadership
Long live the NPP government
Long live H.E. President Akufo Addo.

God bless us all