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Opinions of Monday, 10 March 2008

Columnist: Aidoo, Ato

Akufo-Addo on course to become the next president of Ghana.

I hate to be repetitive, but politics in Ghana makes me do so in the wake of some assertions attributed to people in the main opposition party in Ghana.

I respect many political gurus in the National Democratic Congress, prominent amongst them John Dramani Mahama, Kwamena Ahwoi, Kwame Peprah, and Kofi Totobi-Quakyi.This quartet do not just open their mouth and talk, when they do so, they make a lot of sense, though in the present political environment in Ghana, Peprah and Totobi prefer to remain silent.

But in the minority leader of parliament, Alban S.K Bagbin, the cheap political talk continues unabated, his latest diatribe pointing to his own imagination- that the New Patriotic Party (NPP) flag bearer, Nana Addo Danquah Akufo-Addo, cannot be the President of Ghana.

In hindsight, Babgin’s vituperation emanates from the inability to discover himself as a brilliant lawyer who can gradually prepare himself to assume higher office in Ghana. What he is engaged in now is to play a fiddle to a rather frustrating, and almost impossible agenda to market his own political party’s credentials to the people of Ghana.

The NDC's crusade for a political come-back is failing, owing to the fact that its message is not resonating well in the minds of students of Ghana's political past.

This further underscores the fallacy in Bagbin's pronouncement- that Nana Akufo Addo cannot be the president of Ghana, a fallacy ad absurdum, which with all intents and purposes would backfire to ridicule Bagbin himself, who many wonder why he is not exploring the means the nurture his own political ambitions for the future, since Evans Atta Mills is not a poilitical winner, his excellent moral and academic achievements notwithstanding.

Politically-matured Ghanaians expect Alban Babgin to consider that option, guided by just a simple principle- that our utterances can hurt our political life in the future, hence the need to be mindful of what "cometh out of our mouth", though he has an interesting respite.

After all, in today's Ghana, we all know that our legislators do not care much about few moral and sexual lapses.The consolation being that, if they do, Richard Anane, former road and transport minister would not have been renominated for the same position and approved by Ghana's parliament, despite his romance with an American woman through "love at first sight" at an Aids conference.The trickle down effect is that, our honorable legislators are "dishonorably" teaching us how to live with a paradox.

Just about a week ago, the Omanhene of Oguaa Traditional Area, Osabarima Kwesi Atta II, advised Evans Atta-Mills, the minority leader’s political idol, to adhere to politics of peddling the right issues confronting our people in the homeland.

In my estimation, that was a refreshing admonition.

A week down the lane comes the “hatchet man” cum minority leader -Alban Bagbin, deviating from this laudable advice, and attacking Nana Akufo Addo through a counterfeit ferocity unbecoming of a politician who is well respected by unbiased watchers of the Ghanaian poltical scene.

Alban S.K Bagbin has every right to call on Ghanaians to reject the NPP government by voting massively for the NDC, but to say Nana Akufo-Addo is not suitable for the presidency of Ghana, is just bad politicking as usual, and no space can be reserved for this line of thought in any serious political environment preparing for a visionary leader who is par excellence, well equipped to move Ghana to the next level of a new socio-economic order devoid of mischief, and infantile machinations.

That explains why I agree with pundits who posit, that politicians periodically appear babyish, and often deviate from their fiduciary obligations. Alban Bagbin, is a typical example of this phenomenon.

Ghanaians should quickly shred off these bad vibes, and scrutinize every message of appeal with a critical mind so as to prevent the mistakes of the past - when we allowed a deceptive socialist gang to cloth themselves with undemocratic gowns, "ruling" us with an iron fist and threats of mayhem if we dare reject them through the ballot box.

We extinguished the fear that characterized the NDC government and its leadership, finally voting them out of power, strengthened by our own resolve, and validated by the party's low grade point average in ethics of governance.

As a people, we have lived with many distractions, but we have been able to close the darker chapter of our undemocratic past, the spread of falsehood, and that desire to inflict injury to the hard won reputation of people who have served our country with honesty and dedication.

To Bagbin, I say, "you can continue to misinform the people, and engage in politics of malice in favor of your party's deceptive cause".

But be guided by the fact that Nana Akufo-Addo would continue to run a clean campaign, humbly and truthfully seeking the people's mandate to become the next president of Ghana.

And that "dream" would come true by the Grace of God.

-Author, Ato Aidoo, formerly of the features desk, Daily Graphic, Accra, Ghana. Aidoo lives in Evans, GA.

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