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Opinions of Monday, 9 April 2018

Columnist: Ivan Kyei Innocent

Akufo-Addo’s hypocrisy is legendary - Ivan

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

I had the opportunity to watch and listen to our president and as usual, he didn’t disappoint us with his non-compromising mannerisms and tense looking appearance.

In fact, people who watched and listened to our president saw a bruised man with larceny in his heart on their tv screens, a man who virtually had nothing better to say and rather was poised to haul insults on Ghanaians.

The president made use of words that were unpresidential, defamatory insinuations and also launched a scathing attack on some Ghanaians whom he described as reckless self-seekers and hypocrites.

I don’t want to delve into his reasons for the address, because the reasons were as hollow as the entire address.

In the first place, the President ought not to have attempted to justify the so-called Ghana-US military corporation agreement considering how unconvincing those reasons were. Aside that, it was strategically poor for the president to stifle a discussion that had managed to dodge public intimidations and was eventually heading to its demise.

At the moment Ghanaians expected him to ascribe reasons to his unrelenting quest to hurriedly ratify the said agreement, he took a recalcitrant stance and defiance.

The time Ghanaians expected or wanted answers, he kept mute, even in the face of protestations and demonstrations from well-meaning Ghanaians, he didn’t budge, the document was hastily rushed to Parliament for ratification.

After his address, l took my time to go through the President’s rants and narration about this whole agreement address which he obviously wasted every body ’s time to whine and castigating insults, l couldn’t pontificate what might have influenced him to stage that public drama.

Ghanaians at this point are confronted with many serious threats which could have gotten the attention of the President’s address last night. The filthy Australian visa fraud and visa racketeering which has resulted in a huge international scandal, the largest international filthy scandal in our history. That wasn’t enough to attract the president’s attention, knowing very well his Youth and Sports ministry is figured in the scandal.

Akuffo Addo ’s slay king and darling boy, Kennedy Agyapong, the de facto president, two days ago launched a scathing attack on the PRO of the Ghana Armed Forces. His comments were full of unprintable words not worthy to be repeated here.

The president didn’t know it was necessary to use the opportunity to clear those filthy scandals, condemn and tame his made dog who goes about unleashing terror and abominations on harmless people and men of great integrity, men who have excelled to their respective positions and businesses through hard work, people who have excelled with the brilliance of pen and wit.

In fact, the name Akuffo Addo is gradually becoming a household of corruption, mockery and a caricature in our current political dispensation.

In his last night’s address, the president described people who legitimately exercised their constitutional right by staging a protest against government’s role in the US Military corporation agreement as a bunch of hypocrites.

It’s interesting that Nana Addo has finally gathered the moral momentum to describe someone or a group as a bunch of hypocrites, Ghana’s version of politics is the only thing that could allow that.

It’s an undeniable knowledge to everyone that Akuffo Addo ’s hypocrisy is staggering and legendary, in fact, he is a proper academic rendition of the word hypocrisy.

Was he not the same person who vehemently criticized the Ameri deal Mahama signed? Why is it running still, even his delegates sent to look at the deal were sponsored by the firm he had previously referred as Fraudsters

Nana Addo’s position on the popular Gitmo two saga is still fresh in our memories, the KARPOWER deal Mahama administration brokered suffered a stiff opposition from him and his team in opposition, now the deal has been extended to 20 good years under his administration, this is a man who vehemently criticized Ghana’s engagements with the World Bank and the IMF, at the moment he dines and wine with them, this is hypocrisy at peak.

This is a man bereft of all moral credibility to rebuke anyone because he has proven to be a walking textbook of political contradictions and brute deception.

Someone should tell the president that, silence is golden, and that he should stop advertising his gross and supper incompetence and utter cluelessness to the world. He should try the Obinim sticker, it may work for him. The bible is my witness.

Ivan Kyei Innocent

[email protected].