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Opinions of Monday, 13 July 2020

Columnist: Michael Akwasi Addae

Akwamu black stool is for the Great Ansah Sasraku from Yaa Ansaa Royal Family - Late Odeneho Kwafo Akoto II

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A people without knowledge of their past history, origin, and culture, is like a tree without roots. And that is why the Late Odeneho Kwafo Akoto ll in spite of his 50 years on the great stool of Akwamu never sort to forget the history of this great tradition.

On the occasion of his fifty(50) year reign celebration as Omanhene (regent) of Akwamu Traditional Area, The celebrated chief reminded all gathered that he was grateful to the Akwamu people and acknowledged that the throne on which he reigned belongs to the Great Ansah Sasraku who is from the Yaa Ansa Royal family. Affirming the fact that the stool belongs to the Yaa Ansaa Royal Family of which Ansah Sasraku came from which is the Yaa Ansa family.

I term it the Golden words, on his Golden Jubilee the second paragraph, seventh line of his famous speech reads

"Mine is all profound appreciation and thanks, especially to the sons and daughters of Akwamu for the singular honour which your graceful presence here this morning has bestowed upon me personally and the throne of the great Ansah Sasraku which I proudly occupy."

Now we will all agree that _change_ does not change a tradition it strengthens it. So the attempt to change the traditions of the Great Ansah Sasraku, Yaa Ansa royal family and the people of Akwamuman will not hold.

It will interest readers that the late Odeneho Kwafo Akoto ll is the uncle of the current Queen mother Nana Afrakoma II who was enstooled by the former. So obviously her uncle knows better than she does.

So it's only fair to conclude without any doubt that everything proves that the Akwamu stool belongs to the Yaa Ansa family only. Unless Nana Afrakoma II wants to tell us that her uncle lied and that she knows better than the man who made her.