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Opinions of Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Alan Cash to Rein in His Divisively Malevolent NPP Supporters

It hurts to tell the truth but in the end it brings comfort, so the wise people say. It has always been the secret agenda by some obnoxious elements in the NPP party to do whatever it is within their God-endowed might to sabotage Nana Akufo Addo from ever winning an election to become the President of Ghana.

Some of these mortal enemies are allegedly former President Kufuor, Kwadwo Mpianim, the former Chief of Staff in President Kufour's NPP government, Paul Afoko, the indefinitely suspended NPP Chairman, Kwabena Agyei Agyepong, the dubious NPP General Secretary, Baah Acheamfour, and a host of others.

Most of these mentioned persons if not all, do believe that it is never right for an Akyem person to rule Ghana. It was once alleged that Kwadwo Mpianim had said there is a problem between the Ashantis and the Akyems dating from the days of the most powerful and well documented fetish priest, Okomfo Anokye hence Ashantis should not support an Akyemkwaah (Nana Akufo Addo) to become the President of Ghana.

I am myself an Ashanti, however, there is no any such enmity between us except that our chiefs were admonished not to inter-marry with the Akyems based on issues having to do with the death of Nana Osei Tutu I, the Asantehene. Nonetheless, is Otumfuo Osei Tutu II not married to a succulent Akem damsel, Lady Lydia?

I personally don't buy the nonsense being spewed by these shameless saboteurs within NPP to win support for their evil exploits.

They fronted Mr Kwadwo Alan Kyeremateng in the NPP flagbearership contest all in the hope of achieving their nefarious intention had he beaten Nana Akufo Addo to the second position. However, he failed woefully. He was disgracefully whipped into oblivion.

Instead of feeling ashamed of failing to realise their evil intention, they have rather intensified their onslaught through their loud-mouthed, but completely unintelligent agents and assigns who are determined to wedge open the simmering fissure within the party.

I am not satisfied with the oral declaration by Mr Alan Kwadwo Kyeremateng alias Alan Cash that he supports Nana Akufo Addo to win election 2016. I want him to go further than that. He has to speak to his supporters to cease their open or secret activities deliberately directed at scuppering NPP's chances of winning election 2016 so that Akyemkwaah Nana Akufo Addo never becomes the President of Ghana.

Anyone who is against Nana Akufo Addo, the most incorruptible citizen of Ghana, is as well against Rockson Addo, the wise one from Kumawu/Asiampa who himself is an overflowing fountain of wisdom, and also, against all the suffering citizens of Ghana who are fervently making daily supplications to God to bring about a change of government for the better.

For how long are we going to sit on our lap while these stomach politicians and dodgy characters within NPP take us into the abyss? While Kwadwo Mpianim is preaching his nonsense, seeking to maintain NDC in power if and only if, that will prevent Akyemkwaah Nana Akufo Addo from ever coming to power to set the Ghanaian captives free from their slavery under President John Dramani Mahama's NDC-led government, he is enjoying his genuinely or illegally acquired wealth. He does not care whether President Mahama's government is damaging Ghana or not. He is rich so he does not feel the economic pinch but we the suffering majority do. Therefore, to hell with his mischievousness!

Mr Kyeremateng, if really you support Nana Akufo Addo to win election 2016 to liberate Ghana from her current socio-economic straitjacket, then please, first advise your supporters to stop their incessant open or secret attacks on NPP and Nana Akufo Addo.

The bible says, the sheep hear the voice of the shepherd. Similarly, your "agenda 2020" protagonists will listen to you should you seriously talk to them. Rein them in now!

I require of you true service but not any lip service, Mr Kyeremateng.

My fans, I shall be in the studios of Sources radio UK Online any day this week so please tune in to listen to me live.

Rockson Adofo