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Opinions of Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Columnist: Ansah, David

Alan Is The Man To Deliver Power For the NPP

NPP needs a leader who will not only win the flag bearer race, but one who can also win the national election. Political power is what NPP needs to achieve in order to solve the myriad problems that have engulfed the nation and Alan Kyerematen is the ‘Change Agent’ to deliver power and victory for the NPP party.

Mr. Alan John Kwadwo Kyerematen is the candidate who can make this possible. His persona, character and abilities make him best placed to lead the nation out of its economic woes. His rich experience and strategic ideas in trade, investment and the economy is what Ghana needs to fix the high cost of living, deteriorating social services, high interest rates and the depreciation of the cedi.

Ghanaians are crying for change in Ghana, but that change must first begin with the NPP. Change; it is said is constant and the NPP is at a cross roads where there has to be ‘Change Manifest’ in order that the party wins power in the 2016 elections.

There is a need for change in NPP and Alan Kyerematen is the right candidate at the right time to lead the party to victory. This is more so because the party has presented Nana Addo on two different occasions as flag bearer and he has lost to two different opponents of the same party (NDC).

Initially, he had lost to John Evans Atta-Mills and then to John Mahama in 2012. There is a saying that goes like, ‘‘Obosom enim ye ko nu mpre’ nsa’’, to wit we visit the shrine thrice. Nana Addo has also had three chances (2008, Run-Off in 2008 and 2012) after been elected flag bearer of the NPP and has lost all.

The falling trend of Nana Addo’s percentage from 49.9 in 2008 to 47.7 in 2012 is worrying. It tells the story that he is becoming less and less popular. Alan Kyerematen’s popular appeal will help win back the floating voters who are the ‘king makers’ in our national elections.

Going forward, the NPP has to try a new candidate and one that Ghanaians are ready to vote as President. Alan is the right candidate who will unite the rank and file of the party; strengthen and empower the polling station and constituency executives whilst paying full time party workers.

The man, Alan, has the ability to not only win the NPP votes, but NDC, CPP, PNC, PPP in order to be the next President of the Republic of Ghana. This will bring to fruition his ‘Transformational Leadership' quality that will deliver a prosperous, modern, industrialised and peaceful country.

Alan Kyerematen’s cross sectional attraction will make the difference come 2016 and that is why NPP delegates should give him the chance to lead the party in the upcoming super delegate’s congress and ultimately the National congress.

This is Alan’s Time To Deliver Power for Our Great Party, the NPP.

Long Live NPP.

Long Live Ghana

David Ansah

Osu/Klottey Constituency