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Opinions of Thursday, 20 December 2007

Columnist: Asamoah, Kwasi

Alan Kyerematen Must Be Disqualified

Why is president Kufuor allowing civilians and people who are not government officials to rent Ghana’s Air Force plane for personal use? This is very risky business. This lax security is very dangerous. This is a very serious breach of national security. This means anybody who is willing to stage a coup can rent it to facilitate the overthrow of the Ghana government. If this is the norm and it has been rented before as the Air Force wants us to believe to justify this hiring to Alan Kyerematen, then they need to sit up and think. Will they rent it to ex President Jerry John Rawlings if he makes the request? Please do not set a bad precedent which will come back to haunt you. President Kufuor, being the Commander-in-Chief of the Ghana Armed Forces, must immediately demand an independent inquiry to investigate what brought this about. Who authorized it? For how long has this practice been in place? Is this allowed by our constitution? What happened to the money accrued so far? Who is accountable for them? Is this something his brother Dr. Addo Kufuor initiated while he was the Minister of Defense? Why is the availability of the plane for hire known to only a handful and not public knowledge? These are very serious questions and the president cannot gloss over this. We need to hear from him as this is a serious homeland security concern. The company which is reported to have paid for it must be investigated. This cannot be taken lightly at all in view of our national security being at risk. Al Qaeda or any recalcitrant can rent it and ram it into any building, parade or presidential convoy, if that were their aim.
Other serious implications which may appear satirical but very serious:
No wonder the drug trade in Ghana is thriving. Who knows how many times Tagor and his gang have flown Ghana’s Air Force plane in the conduction of their drug trade? No wonder we could not trace the 77 parcels of cocaine imported into the country by thugs on MV Benjamin
No wonder armed robbery is so strife in the country. Armed robbers use the Air Force plane on their nocturnal missions. Why not, they have the money to pay.
This is false security. Who needs a black Mercedes to kill the president when you can use our own Air Force plane to do the deed? Please do not laugh and perhaps this will wake up President Kufuor. All you need is one hour and twenty million cedis (GH 2,000) and you can WHACK Ghana’s president into oblivion. Why should we make Ghana’s air space unsafe with this kind of carelessness and laxity? How do we know if Air Force personnel are on Board or some nut/thug who is up for no good is piloting the plane?

Lastly, Alan Kyerematen must be disqualified. Going about calling himself Alan Cash in Ghana politics is very childish and I do not think he knows what running for the presidency of a nation is all about – it does not make him look serious. He must be disqualified because he has no sense of national security to lead the country. He thinks flamboyance and carelessness are the only qualities to qualify him for the presidency. No, Ghana cannot allow this. He thinks buying votes is all it takes to be president. He needs to go back to school and take some fundamental courses in political science. Please let us not be partisan about this? No insulting comments please. Only serious discussions and comments requested.

Kwasi Asamoah, USA

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