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Opinions of Sunday, 25 November 2007

Columnist: Amankwah, Nana Kofi

Alan Kyeremateng A Man with New Vision for Ghana.

Honorable John Alan Kwadwo Kyerematag the former Minister of Trade, Industry Private Sector Development and former Ghana?s ambassador to the United States of America is the man who has the clear vision to lead our mother land. As I have already promised after completing my personal and final investigations on a candidate who I believe can lead the nation successfully, I endorse him. As a spokes person for those Ghanaians who are not politically incorporated and the underclass; it is my obligation to find a credible, humble person who will be a servant with great new economic ideas to lead the nation. John Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen meets these criteria, I believe he has great ideas to create jobs for the common people and the middle class.

Ladies and gentlemen Nananom, I have endorsed John Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen as the next NPP presidential candidate and the president of Ghana in 2009. The question is why Alan Kyeremateng? Upon investigating his personal profile, John Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen was born to be a leader. At the age of nine he entered the Asokore Mampong Secondary School in1964 currently known as Kumasi Academy. According to his classmate in 1964, Mr. George Attakorah, who assisted me with this information, said Alan was the youngest in their school, very humble and quiet but very intelligent. He was top of the class. Mr. Attakorah further stated that after one year Alan left Asokore Mampong Secondary School for his hometown in the Central Region to continue his secondary school education. Alan went on to graduate at the University of Ghana Legon in economics and to further his education he also qualified as barrister- at- law from the Ghana Law School. In addition, Alan was a Hubert Humphrey fellow at the School of Management of University of Minnesota under the US Fulbright Fellowship Program.

Alan Kyerematen was a senior member of the council of governors of BESO in the United Kingdom and also a Board Member of many organizations in Ghana. Alan was not affluent; he was raised in a poor home, and his father was a civil servant who worked at the Kumasi Cultural Center. Alan worked hard to rise up through the ranks through his great ideas and by dint of hard work and dedication. He understands the life of the underclass and the middle class. Alan is a person who has achieved a lot; he is a credible and academically wise man with an excellent vision to create a better economy for the nation. His achievements are living proof that justifies his ambition to lead the country and to achieve its socioeconomic goals. He is the hard working, humble family oriented man we need to lead the nation. As Karl Marx once said, ?To build a better and stronger industrial nation, we need people who have innovated economic ideas.? Marx indicates that such a nation could be productive on socioeconomic development through the brainpowers of people in our society and Alan Kyerematen is one of them.

Alan Kyeremateng has proved to the nation his ability to create jobs and reopen factories which were closed by the previous administration. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr Kyerematen has not only been recognized in Ghana as a great leader but internationally as well. In 1994 Mr. Kyeremateng was named by ?Times International Magazine? in a special edition as one of the top hundred (100) global leaders of the new Millennium. My fellow countrymen and women, let us all unite in spirit and support the servant, John Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen to lead our motherland.

Thank you all.

Nana Kofi Amankwah. (New York)

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