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Opinions of Wednesday, 27 September 2023

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Alan Kyeremateng has killed his political career!

Former Minister of Trade and Industry, Alan Kyerematen Former Minister of Trade and Industry, Alan Kyerematen

Who is the political strategist who advises Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen, the former Trades and Industries Minister? His resignation from NPP coupled with his declaration to go independent to contest the 2024 presidential election is a complete faux pas.

He should know that by that act, his presidential prospects, if not his political career, in Ghana, are over. He can never win any presidential election in Ghana contesting as an independent candidate, unless by an exceptional grace of God upon him. The mighty God is although extremely merciful, I cannot imagine him helping Alan to win the presidential election contesting as an independent candidate.

Unlike Kennedy Agyapong, Alan is not of any exceptional qualities that could suggest that he could win the presidency on the ticket of an independent candidate.

He will just be wasting his money, energy, and time, with the action he has taken since it is very obvious that he cannot even win 1 percent of the eligible votes to be cast.

He is not politically savvy because he could not tell between the political terrain getting smooth, slanted, or slippery, thus, he could not interpret the seasons and times of the politics.

The Bible states clearly in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 about the times and seasons for everything. If he knew, he had better agree to, and accept, to be on a single ticket with Dr. Alhaji Mahamudu Bawumia when the idea was first proposed in a publication by Rockson Adofo, only to be later seconded by Nana Akomea in his submission.

The political mood at that time favoured, and still, favours, Dr. Bawumia as a presidential candidate until Kennedy came in to change the dynamics.

If Alan had accepted to be Dr. Bawumia’s running mate, Kennedy may not have decided to contest all. However, for Alan’s insistence on “it is my time”, thinking the NPP flag bearer post would be handed to him on a silver platter, Kennedy decided to wade in, and surprisingly be met with thunderous applause by Ghanaians.

I shall by this publication entreat Alan not to waste his money as many a follower of his will sooner depart him, leaving him a lone tree in otherwise a vast forest.

He should not think his departure to contest as an independent candidate with or without, forming a party, can cause a political tsunami in NPP. He must be kidding if that is his opinion, motive, or objective.

As advice to him, being an elder brother, he had rather better come to my aid to resurrect, thus, rebuild, my extinct Asiampa village, for that will help him leave a better legacy to his name than to spend his money on a political venture that died within seconds of its declaration.

Why is he saddened by the removal of his posters from the NPP regional and constituency offices in the Ashanti Region? He is no longer a member of NPP so why does he still expect the NPP to keep his posters in their offices?

He had better go back to join NPP if, and only if, he will swallow his ego and plead for a comeback as a prodigal son.

Will the NPP take him back, guided by the proverb, “Once bitten, twice shy”? He resigned from NPP in 2008 and he has done it again in 2023.

Kwadwo, listen to the good advice to you by Rockson Adofo, the proud, fearless, and no-nonsense son of Kumawu/Asiampa soil.

Kwadwo, freely avail yourself of my overflowing fountain of wisdom. There is only a year difference between us in age. And, old age is not an indication of wisdom, or a grey hair a repository of wisdom.

It shall serve Alan well if he heeds my advice.