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Opinions of Friday, 26 September 2014

Columnist: Alhassan, Mohammed

Alan's promise doable

Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko

London, UK

September 26, 2014

Dear Otchere Darko,


While you currently cool-off in the United Kingdom and enjoy the extravagant lifestyle which you portray to the whole world on your Facebook page, I chanced on one of your Facebook posts, attempting to discredit Alan's promise of providing Bicycles and Motorbikes to support grassroots operation of the party. To tell you the truth, I am not surprised one bit because as a polling station officer of the New Patriotic Party, I have never in my 8 years received even pure water money nor 1 cedi MTN credit from your Uncle, Nana Akuffo Addo despite the monies he received from John Kufour, Paul Afoko and other big business men in the 2008 and 2012 campaigns. I am the least envious of you and the millions of L’Argent (monies), which you control, in our party.

I am here in Builsa South and have been an ardent supporter of Nana Addo. In fact, until today, I felt Alan should be real and opt out of the race because some so-called Big Men had indicated they were supporting Nana Addo. I have believed in the continuous lies and negative stories told about Alan and have issued opinions all aimed at discrediting him. We were made to believe that he never supported the expansion in 2009 but your own Newspaper; The New Statesman on May 9, 2009, reported that Alan was one of the persons who proposed the expansion. Let me quote a portion of the said reportage for you, “According to our NEC sources, the expansion proposal was passionately supported by most key members of the party; interestingly, by also the overwhelming majority of the 17 presidential aspirants of 2007, including Hackman Owusu-Agyemang, MP, Mike Oquaye, MP, Yaw Osafo-Maafo, and Alan Kyerematen, who gave a speech in support.” (

All I ask for is forgiveness from Allah for the wrong things I have said about this noble man whose agenda has been to fight for Polling station officers, which is evident in his 2007 campaign. This is someone who met Polling station officers even when we had no voting right.

Alan represents the hope of the Ghanaian youth. Someone who was shortlisted for the WTO top job can only be a blessing to NPP and Ghana. His plan to industrialize Ghana is one worthy for our region, which has lots of lands for Agriculture modernization.

Gabby, are you aware that your 8.3 million Dollar plush mansion in American House, a place reserved for the elite in society, could afford Motor Bikes for all polling station officers in 6 Regions? Are you aware that that same sum could also have paid polling station officers some stipend when we were all out ‘killing’ ourselves to make your uncle President? On your Facebook post, you asked a simple question, “If you had over GHS200 million to fight an election what would you do with it? And is it either possible or necessary to find and use that amount on just one aspect of a campaign?” Well for me, investing in grassroots empowerment will be the way to go as Alan is espousing now. We are tired of the Believe in Ghana concerts et al. NPP needs a strong structure at the polling station and Alan’s Proposal looks to be the solution. You may as well tell us the plans of Nana for the Polling station officers. Are we going to experience another 4 Years of neglect?

Tofiakwa! Never Again in 2014

So what happened to your December 31st 2012 deadline of quitting politics? Don’t bother to answer because quite clearly another opportunity presents itself for you and your sort to dip your hands again into the campaign funds when your uncle becomes the flagbearer. Forget it Mr. Otchere-Darko! We are wild awake; Nana has done his best. We shall Change Him and pave way for those who have good thoughts for we the polling station people. We also matter!

Anyway, Alan just visited my constituency but I hear Akuffo Addo is not ready to come and has therefore tasked constituency officers to campaign for him. I wish him well but I will only consider an aspirant who respects my village and me and is ready to come to me and know at first hand the problems we go through as a party and a community. Akufo Addo has been our flagbearer on two occasions and my constituency chairman has no vehicle to attend ‘Adowa’ and ‘Ahurey’ but I know the lavish lifestyle some of you live down south.

If Alan could provide Motorbikes in 2007, even as flagbearer aspirant, he can do it when all these monies that have bought expensive properties outside Ghana is given to him.

YES! I believe in him and his quest to be President!

We have resolved as Polling station officers never to allow your type to milk us anymore. We shall vote for Power and chase it till we get it with Alan in 2016. If our chairman voted for Nana because they met and he gave them 40 million cedis, we have just met with Alan and he showed us respect. For someone to travel to Fumbisi is a lot of work and sacrifice and that is what the NPP requires moving forward.

Long Live NPP

Long Live Ghana

Mohammed Alhassan

Builsa South Constituency

[email protected]