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Opinions of Monday, 11 September 2023

Columnist: Abdul Hakeem

Alan's withdrawal sets the elephant ablaze: The battle now the devil's

Alan Kyeremanten Alan Kyeremanten

Fellow Ghanaians, it is often said that a hunter who has no dog may choose to hunt with a goat. But the question that has been agitating the minds of political scientists is, is Alan Kyerematen ready to go on a political hunting expedition with a "goat" since he seems to have lost his “dog” in withdrawing from the most shameful ever flagbearership contest of the New Patriotic Party, (NPP), by creating his political party with his followers, or he would seek political asylum and peace in the National Democratic Congress, NDC, which is waiting to form the next government, Insah Allah, come January 2025?

It has been wildly rumored, in the most recent times, following Alan’s withdrawal or departure, that the former trade minister is forming a new political party to show President Akufo Addo and his yeoman Veep who is who. But we as citizens and not spectators would find solace in what Shakespeare is
purported to have said: “Hate me or love me, both are in my favor: if you hate me, I would always be in your mind; and if you love me, I would always be in your heart”.

Whether Alan’s new political party or our old nation’s passionate exploiter and tormentor, it's both going to be in our favor. We shall show them the exit come 2024. In Sha Allah.

But you see, with the ongoing deteriorating and not ameliorating shambolic and apocalyptic economy that is escalating our misery and reducing Ghana to the poverty capital of the world and global hunger destination, nobody needs neither Jesus Christ, Moses, Goliath, nor even David himself today, to point out to Ghanaians that the Battle no longer the Lord’s but the devil’s!

Unless a madman, any individual who is not “sick upstairs” can easily realize that the name of the Lord was taken in vain about the use of this biblical quote by the New Patriotic Party, NPP. Because the battle, as they claimed was the Lord’s, turns out to be the devil’s and never God’s with the electoral fraud and subsequent economic heist instigated by the Akufo-Addo government.

Thus, the President didn’t only deceive Ghanaians with the inanity and insanity of his numerous slogans for fraudulent projects with which they looted this country: One-village-one-Dam, One-Constituency- One-Million dollars, Green Ghana, Planting for Food and Jobs, One district one factory. We shall never forgive these gangsters.

When I predicted that there was a fire on the mountain concerning the so-called vetting results which pegged Alan Kyerematen’s performance at some 66-point-nonsense grade and with Dr. Bawumia leading with the highest mark, many didn't agree with me. Again, I politically prophesied that the grossly skewed, massaged, and shortchanged results in the aftermath of the party's so-called super delegates conference, would create a Frankenstein monster the party won't be able to control, and which would eventually crash and devour the NPP out of political relevance and space in Ghana, majority of people accused me of mid-day madness.

When I foretold that due to the birth circumstances of both Kennedy Agyapong and Dr. Bawumia, the flagbearership race would be hovering over the heads of the duo and victory shall swing towards one of them and that, Alan was not part of the race, I was accused of escalating lunacy.

In my articles titled, "NPP Whatever Delegates Conference: A Straight or Bent Poo is the Same”, and “Bawumia's Highest Vetting Mark: Propaganda on a Next Level”, I predicted how any attempt to practice “kalebule” and electoral fraud in the selection of their next flagbearer, would consume the NPP internally and collapse their hopes before even the 2024 general election. See the result today.

For the NPP, they continue to believe in what Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union said: “Those who vote in an election do not determine the winner, but those who count the votes do”. The EC thus becomes the bedrock upon which the humiliated political party in our history would rely to hold on to power despite the peculiar mess.

But God No Go Shame not continue to torment Ghanaians with this embarrassing hunger. Recently, after the close of a meeting at a certain function, the Imam was called upon to do a closing prayer for the day. As he prayed, all of a sudden, I heard the Imam say something that shocked me to the marrow. In praying for Ghana, the Imam said, "Dear God, save us from this economic hardship even
if it means the destruction and demise of some of your servants".

Then one of the members exclaimed: "The EC!", "Whoever is going to compromise the sanctity and integrity of the upcoming 2024 general elections" the Imam continued, "Our dear God, afflict them with paralyzing stroke and problems that would make the forget their agenda". Then the group responded to the supplication: Amen!

Fellow Ghanaians, while it may appear ridiculous to respond to such a prayer, it's obvious that the Electoral Commission (EC) of Ghana led by Jean Mensah may be preparing to douse the fire of the burning elephant of the New Patriotic Party, NPP, to prolong our suffering. Because they are far removed from the reality the masses are going through under this brutal weight of economic shambles.

I dare challenge all right-thinking Ghanaians to add their voices to this supplication so that we shall have a clean, free, fair, and thief-free general election. May God the Just and the Fair strike the EC Chairperson and her deputies with epilepsy and stroke combined IF they dare attempt to further tighten up our drudgery, misery, and penury by rigging election.

But one desperate move that could lead to the contemplation of rigging the election by the government in cahoots with the EC which could result in disastrous consequences the government is careless about because they have no Ghana nor citizens at heart but their agenda of looting Ghana dry, is for the
National Democratic Congress, NDC, made a terrible mistake by allowing Alan Kyeremanten to join the Mahama ticket. It's not safe. It’s a recipe for disaster.

This would drive the national enemy (NPP) wild and crazy into doing whatever they can to stay in power even if Ghana must be reduced to ashes and perish! As a former member of the NPP and the government, Alan knows many of the skeletons in the numerous cupboards of the Akufo-led administration and this can lead to the biggest exposé ever in the annals of our history leading to prominent arrests, naming, and shaming. The government can never allow that.

Furthermore, the hate, envy, and enmity for former President Mahama by the Akufo Addo government would escalate if someone who knows the dirty secrets of the government is to join him. Again, perhaps, Alan could be a political Trojan horse pushed by the government to get to the inner circles of the opposition, and since the leopard cannot change or clean all its spots, Alan may not be able
to display full loyalty to the NDC. It was a lack of loyalty and trust that led to the loss of the 2016 presidential election by the NDC, and the NDC cannot have its testicles stepped on twice.

So, while it's an international law to allow refugees asylum into a particular country, it's not a wise thing to quickly make such asylum-seekers the country’s leaders especially if they are coming from an enemy state. If Alan Kyeremanten seeks political asylum in the NDC, he's welcome, and the party must help nurse his wounds but must be very careful because this is Ghanaian politics: man is a wolf to his fellow man.

Finally, there's a folkloric tale of the Dagomba people which narrates what happened and power swung from the elephant that used to be the King of the jungle to the Lion King. Perhaps, our nation’s famous elephant is about to forever lose its leadership of Ghana. If that shall bring relief to the suffering masses, say a loud Amen: Amen!

According to that tale, the wild animals became jealous of the domestic animals because of their association with the crown of God's creation and their service to mankind and wished that the tables turned for them, too. All the wild beasts decided to use might to overthrow domestic animals so that they could now be domesticated to join and serve mankind in human society. So they
declared war on domestic animals. The domestic animals knew man had been canny but for the fact that they were home and were treated and sheltered by man, they couldn't lose that status, hence, they accepted the challenge to go to war with the wild animals.

In the jungle, the wild animals chose the elephant due to its massive size as their leader. But the likes of scorpions, tortoises, bees, and all herbivorous animals didn't agree with the idea. Rhino, tiger, lion, and the big cats family together with birds except the eagle, however, argued that it was okay for the biggest of them to lead the war.

Those who didn't agree with the elephant's leadership of the war cited courage, endurance, perseverance, honesty, integrity, truthfulness, and skill as the foundation of good leadership, and the size of the elephant must not be dwelled upon and select him as their leader. But because most of the "elites" of the jungle (the big cats family and other dangerous predators) supported the leadership of the elephant, they carried the day.

Perhaps, to feed the carcass of the leader when he falls. And the elephant has too much flesh (money: gold, timber, and cocoa). A designated site for the war was sighted. The domestic animals decided to choose the cock as their leader. Their argument was simple; the cock has strange courage in some unexpected circumstances.

Men agreed with the domestic animals’ choice because the chicken has severely chased many men away without claws and canines. As the two armies were approaching each other on the battlefield, the wild animals saw the comb of the
fowl and thought it was fire the domestic animals set upon the head of their leader. So they also demanded the elephant to lie down for them to set a bigger fire on its back since the elephant has a thicker skin.

The elephant could not protest this idea because the likes of the scorpion and bees had already questioned his courage, so he proudly knelt for the fire. Soon, a gigantic fire was set on its back.

However, with a few steps toward the enemy, he couldn't bear the pain from his roasting back and he violently shook the fire off on most of his warriors and began to mimic Usain Bolt when the chicken attacked. But as the King elephant suddenly became the Cheetah – the fastest animal in speed, every step he took created huge potholes as footprints which impeded the escape of smaller animals like the tortoises, chameleons, etc. that struggled to climb out of these giant footprints while complaining that

"This is the reason why we didn't want the elephant to lead this war; he becomes an enemy to many of us when he is fleeing.”

That was how the domestic animals defeated the wild animals and the elephant was quickly dethroned and the Lion became the King of the Jungle till today. Fellow Ghanaians, there's no doubt that our nation's famous elephant has been set ablaze, and while it's on a bullet train speeding back to the jungle looking for a hole to seek shelter, not only the hopes and morale of the majority of Ghanaians being shattered, majority of Ghanaians have their prosperity being ditched in the gaps of the financial recklessness created by the Elephant government. But the good news is that Ghana shall be free by God because their battle was the devil’s, not the Lord’s.