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Opinions of Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Columnist: Sangaparee, Clement

All Die Be Die Nana Akuffo Must Die First-Part4

When our British Colonial MASTERS came to the then Gold Coast now Ghana, they NEGLECTED the Northern Region and used it as a CHEAP LABOUR RESERVE CENTER and as such, only few people were able to acquire basic education and senior citizens like Hon. Alhaji Idirisu Mahama and co. had to walk on foot from Wa to Tamale a distance of over 200 miles to attend Secondary School.

However Northerners were weaving their own smocks with their hands long before the Whiteman came. These smocks were woven for our women too but the Region was under developed and there was extreme poverty in this VAST REGION which is still visible today 2011. The white men in the Mines at Tarkwa, Obuasi, Konongo, Presta, Bibiani, Nsuta, Akwatia used to dispatch cargo Trucks from the Mining Companies in Southern Ghana up to Northern Ghana to bring cheap labour-mostly ABLE BODIED MEN from the North and a good number of them DIED inside the deep bowls of the earth- and NO single AKAN wanted to become a MINER UNDERGROUND at all because it was VERY RISKY and mining was NOT a very pleasant job. Today 2011, one can drive a land cruiser straight down the mines and drive out from the mines in Obuasi, Tarkwa, Bibiani etc, but now that mining has been modernised -Northerners are NO MORE NEEDED-At best one has to cough out between GH¢ 1,000.00 AND GH¢ 1,500.00 as a BRIBE before one is even lucky to be employed at all , at worst the recipient could become a CROOK and vanish with your bribe money for good-whom do you blame or report to? Can you report a crook who credits your Indian Hemp to the Police in order to retrieve your money? No and if the answer is No-what is your problem then? Where were the so-called Akans in this country when the white men wanted able bodied Ghanaians to work in the Mines? Where were the so-called Akans when their cocoa farms were very bushy and weedy in the Ashanti, Western, Central and Volta Regions in this country. These Regions all used CHEAP LABOUR from the North and thousands of innocent Northern men, women and children died in the Political cross fire between NLM/Matemeho thugs and Dr. Nkrumah’s Progressive CPP members between 1951 and 1956, and no compensation was ever paid to the relatives of those dead Northerners by those NLM thugs since they regarded all Northerners as ANIMALS AT THAT TIME and a primitive people without any wisdom on earth which was false and is still false.

Northerners who were conveyed in cargo trucks to come and work in the Mines were often slaughtered like fowls by Matemeho murderers because they believed that they (Northerners) were all supporters of the Great CPP led by Dr. Nkrumah the Show Boy. By recklessly telling NPP supporters to embrace his “All die, be die” slogan. Nana Akuffo Addo is OPENING OLD WOUNDS in this country because thousands of innocent Northerners who honestly came down South to work in the cocoa farms owned by Akans were all killed in cold blood in the Ashanti, Eastern and Western Regions-N/B. Sunyani was part of Ashanti and was referred to as “Ashanti West ” which became known as the Bono/Ahafo Region in 1958 and it was carved out of the Ashanti Region by Dr. Nkrumah’s CPP government. Now the great grandchildren of these cheap Northern labourers who gave up their lives to open up the Mining Companies in Southern Ghana are Now Jobless and can never and will NEVER be employed again in the very Mines where their great grandfathers perish and when they result to small scale mining popularly called Galamsy too, they are always chased and arrested by the Police and prosecuted FOR NO OFFENCE COMMITTED.

Nana Akuffo Addo, can you ever compensate the descendants of these Northerners for their honest labour? Didn’t you and Ex. President Kufuor sell out the Golden Share of the then Ashanti Goldfields Company outright to AngloGold Ashanti of South Africa in the NPP administration and DECEIVED ALL GHANAIANS that it was a merger? You also compensated the A.G.A workers with One Bottle of Star Beer Each so the NPP must ASHAMED OF THEIR DISHONESTY AND LIES.

By your utterances, if you should ever become the President of Ghana, God forbid anyway, those who will be considered with appointments would only be AKANS from the NPP whether they qualify or not ISN’T IT? I am lost for words and very sorry in the sense that you still don’t understand the reason why you should apologise to Ghanaians as a Gentleman that you claim to be because you feel TOO BIG and very stubborn and so arrogant that nobody can advise you. Do you think Ghana is your personal property? Coming Events Cast their shadows because you are busy digging your own political grave and the NDC will surely bury you there with an inscription thus:HON. WOMAN BOTTOMS, RUST IN PIECES-ALL DIE BE DIE whose death occurred on 8th December 2012. This will be the Tribute to the “ late Nana Akuffo Addo who will be killed through the ballot box” by well meaning Ghanaians in 2012 with their thumbs and President J.E Mills will surely read the above tribute in memory of the Man of Violence and Disrespect to the good people of Ghana. Those who are urging you on to continue with your infamous ALL die be die slogan as well as your tribal remarks at Kofridua and Accra are your WORST ENEMIES and NOT repeat NOT CLEMENT SANGAPAREE the AUTHOR OF THIS ARTICLE. Were you drank before making those unguarded ethnocentric remarks in Koforidua and Accra? Were you lost for words? Nana Akuffo Addo is a man with a double face and a double tongued dishonest liar in Ghana today 2011, HE MUST GIVE US A BREAK OR GET LOST. The first Military coup de tat was staged by persons from the Danquah/Busia tradition in collaboration with the dreaded American C.I.A on 24th February 1966, it was a very bloody coup (2) The first FIRING SQUAD was started by the same politicians in 1967. Dr. Busia who was in EXILE in London flew to Ivory Coast and entered Ghana by road with dollars and pounds sterling in his bag which he personally changed at the Black Market at Cow Lane in Accra. Dr. Busia was a Professional smuggler in Ghana. Dr. Busia was immediately appointed as the then Advisor of the National Liberation Council Military Junta in 1967 after he demanded that NLC should hand over to him without conducting any elections in Ghana but the military junta politely refused his request but they made sure that he won the 1969 general elections through the BACK DOOR. The CPP was banned with NLC decree 345 for 10 years which made it an offence punishable by 5 years imprisonment without the option of a FINE if you are caught with the MERE PHOTOGRAPH of the Great Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, so those of us who were Young Pioneers at that time HID DR. NKRUMAH’s photographs inside our boxes and trunks. Dr. Busia was NOT known by Ghanaians because he was a dishonest traitor and a tribal bigot. As chairman of the Centre for Civic Education, he campaigned alone throughout the country discrediting the late Dr. Kwame Nkrumah from 1967-1969 whose mighty CPP was banned by the NLC military junta on the advise of Dr. Busia- who finally contested the 1969 MOCK ELECTIONS alone and won in a landslide. Today 2011, the Danquah/Busia tradition which the NPP represent today FALSELY DESCRIBE THEMSELVES AS THE CHAMPIONS OF TRUE DEMOCRACY in Ghana, yet when Nana Akuffo Addo was re-elected as an MP for the Abuakwa South Constituency in 2004, he personally led a violent group of NPP thugs to burn down the constituency office of the NDC in that town—A True Democrat Indeed. From Obuasi this has been Clement Sangaparee taking the NPP presidential candidate to the cleaners.

I have written this Article in order to educate those Ghanaians between the ages of 16 years and 52 years who were NOT born by that time. Finally, a word to the wise is enough. ALUTA CONTINUA!





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