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Opinions of Friday, 7 August 2015

Columnist: Ahiawor, Dela

All Roads Lead to Accra Academy

By: Dela Ahiawor (Bleoo’93) [email protected]

Ahoy there! All Academicians, another weekend has landed. And it’s our homecoming. That is to say, there is no need being in two minds about where to go this weekend, because this year’s homecoming provides a great escape to relieve all old Academicians of the tedium and pressures of work.
The usual rendezvous, the Accra Academy School precinct will be pulsating with old chums. So, it’s time to emerge from behind the veil of social media network and also the cocoon of our various homes to press the flesh; especially taking cognizance of the saying that “the most valuable antiques are dear old friends.”
Certainly, Saturday August 8, is the 2015 Annual Accra Academy Homecoming celebrations. And it’s an opportunity to share fond memories, reminisce with old friends and sing our alma mater (also the official song of a school) together; whiles huffing and puffing on the school’s sports field playing football and volley, just to name a few.
There will be other fun activities for all and enough to eat and drink amid music that will lighten everybody’s mood.
So, if you relish old times, old manners and particularly old friends then all roads lead to Accra Academy this Saturday.
Accra Aca. Bleoo!