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Opinions of Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Columnist: Tuffour, Alex

Allow us to sleep Mahama

Dada,Dada,the telephone is ringing.Gina i need to rest,i am just coming from work and i want to sleep.Take the phone and tell me who is on the line.Its grandmother calling from Accra.Tell her a am coming.
Hello Mama how are you?Oh Dan am okay,but its the same is becoming hard,and we don't know what to do.The money you sent to me couldn't do anything and i want you to send me some money.Every basic item is is too expensive.Everyday prices are running higher and higher like a car running about thousand kilometers an hour.Even how to pay your daughter's school
fees and my medical bills is another thing to talk about.Don't think about the way i have been calling you all the time.Its because of the economic conditions at home.Don't worry Mama,i will go to the western union tomorrow and send you some money.Now i am tired and i want to to to bed and sleep and have enough rest to go to work early in the morning,so please take good care of your self.Thank you.Ah what is this government doing at all?Good morning Aluta,its everything okay?Dan i couldn't sleep at all,my son called me yesterday in the night to send him some money as the one i sent to him two weeks ago didn't meet the necessary items.Its not you alone,my mother also called me with the same problem.Throughout the night i couldn't sleep as i was thinking about the situation at home.What is the N.D.C government doing at all?I don't know what prompted Ghanaians to vote for such a party to take us this way.The government have
impediment for people becoming happy.What are we gaining from their better Ghana agenda?The N.D.C government got it wrong from the beginning by saying they can rule better than the N.P.P.This has created what is happening and manifesting in the country today.Many Ghanaians are very critical of the performance of the the government as they feel they are not doing anything to help the people.The N.D.C government is routinely plundering the nations wealth,whilst pretending to serve the people who elected them.The government has proven to be resilient in continuing in its bad ways.The whole government is in grave danger and loosing its credibility.I once heard from the Ghana Ambassador to Egypt Alhaji Said Sinare saying that the government has done in its three and half years exceedingly more than what Kuffour did.But there is more to it than meet the eye.Money is playing corrupting,influential,significant and dominating role
in the N.D.C government with issues around government corruption.Do not forget the four storey building built by a chinese company at Adabraka which the Genaral secretary of the party alias mosquito said they were moving in by the end of the year,but because they were being exposed by their corrupt deals,the in-law of the Ahwois Kwaku Brams Larbi came out to say the building is on lease for twenty million dollars.The day of reckoning will eventually come for those who loot Ghana's treasury.Dan what i have noticed is that a lot of Ghanaians have taken the plunge to return to live and work in Ghana,but the situation there is hindering them.In Kwanwireso where my family is residing,illegally Chinese miners have invaded the concession of Anglo gold at Obuasi and the government is doing nothing about it,and they are there ridding in their posh cars.What do we do about Mahama and the N.D.C government in the next
election,because it will determine the fate of Ghanaians.Those at home and we who are living in abroad.We here don't have rest.people are having stress and dieing day in and day out.Let we here put all our strength and power at home and advice our people to vote for Nana Akuffo Addo and the N.P.P.Even look at Nana Akuffo Addo's priority of giving senior high school free which will also help us to rest and sleep well,because of our children's education at home.Its the government's responsibility of bringing up the child to the full stature of a man or a woman and also an inspiring place full of life.But all depend on good education.Nana Akuffo Addo will be the best president Ghana will ever have if you look st his policies,so let we here and the people at home help bring him to the Jubilee house.

Alex Tuffour n.p.p Hamburg Germany