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Opinions of Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Columnist: Nana Efua Rockson

Alone, not lonely

Nana Efua Rockson Nana Efua Rockson

When I am alone

I sense an inner joy and fulfillment of who I am as a child of God

When I am alone

I connect to a source

To a limitless vault of wisdom, intelligence and love and

Download all of the goodness within to bless life

When I am alone

I feel the spirit of the Almighty God

Directing, beckoning and whispering to me

To be a greater self of me as I connect fully to Him

And, I find myself praying, singing and giving thanks for the magnificent life that I live

And the blessed life I am yet to experience beautifully

When I am alone

I smile; and in every smile bring total happiness

I forgive; and in every act of forgiveness of a person or an event, I let go and let God take control

When I am alone

I love myself and all the wonderful people life has blessed me with, and

every love pad causes an avalanche of greater love to be experienced

I create goodness; and in every good created, life experiences a better me

and I feel all these virtues clearing my pathways to an eternally gorgeous

and abundantly blessed life.

When I am alone

The silence is music in my ears

The darkness is light for my life

The quietness is peace eternal

The peace is joy fulfilled

The aloneness is heaven unleashed

The tranquility is blessings flowing

And I find myself serenaded with love divine and abundant grace

And my life is eternally prosperous

For even though I am alone, I am not lonely for God’s grace abounds

everywhere in my life!

Inspiration behind the poem:

A friend once asked me, “don’t you feel lonely?” My quick and firm answer

was, "No! I don’t feel lonely".

This may sound too utopian because we all have moments and phases in our

lives when we are alone and lonely or just plain lonely even amongst people.

With no bosom friend to talk to, to share worries with or just plainly enjoy

the company of another over simple things like playing a game or watching a

movie in silence, you may feel down or lonely.

Later that day, however, I pondered over my answer and explored my reasons

for saying a big “No, I don’t feel lonely”. Upon reflection, this poem:

ALONE, NOT LONELY poured out from the depth of my being.

I came to realize that I have a Supreme Being that fills my life to the full

when I am are down, empty and dejected.

One can choose to call this Supreme Being, God or any name that best

describes it (whether you are a Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist or

whatever religion you belong to), the end results are the same. When you

connect to that source of life in times of distress, loss, pain, death, or

when life looses it sense of existence, you are able to sail through

whatever situation and come out stronger.

When the chips are down, when the road becomes bending, when the mountains

seem too high, when the water starts swirling in anger, when the thunder

echoes fiercely, and everything around you starts tumbling down, connect to

your source of life - God and you will realize that although you may be

alone, you are never lonely.

You and God form the majority and you will come out unscathed and renewed to

face another day. For the beauty of a well-meaning life is being able to

overcome challenges and move on stronger and successful as if nothing has happened.

Profile of author Nana Efua Rockson is an easygoing affable person with a passion for success. She is a Marketing Communication and PR professional with over ten years experience. She is currently the Group Head, Corporate Affairs & Marketing at GLICO Group Ltd, an indigenous insurance and financial services company.