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Opinions of Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Columnist: GNA

Ambassador Farhan Laari Bimi’s Legacy lives on

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Ambassador Farhan Laari Bimi, Gone But Not Forgotten! These solemn words still echoed in my ears four years since the departure of the fearless advocate of human rights.

Mr Bimi, former Chairman of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), from 1998-2011, was Ghana's silent democratic pillar and a sincere and truthful personality.

He was an epitome of simplicity, down to earth, diligent, magnanimous and a man of Integrity.

He was a rare gem, a real public servant in the true sense of the word. Yes, that was the Man the nation, Africa and the world lost on Friday, July 22, 2011.

It was around 1030 pm on that fateful day, when death laid its icy hands on the 66-year-old lawyer, teacher and civic educator. In accordance with strict Islamic tradition, his mortal remains were lowered into the grave, in less than 24 hours of his death, signifying the end of his life. However, his legacy still persists.

Late President John Evans Atta Mills described him as a “patriot and hard worker...someone who rendered selfless service to the nation and was forthright without hesitating to express his views.”

President Mills said the nation had lost a son who exemplified the best, adding: “Mr Bimi also stood for peace.”

Then Vice President John Dramani Mahama said the late Bimi would be remembered for the “good works he left in the sands of time”.

Former Chief of Staff under the Rawlings regime Nana Ato Dadzie, a close friend of Mr Bimi, described his demise as “very shocking; I broke down and wept like a baby”.

Staff of the NCCE, remarked that his death would greatly affect their work.

Mrs Augustine Akumanyi, a former NCCE Deputy Chairperson said: “It was a terrible blow...he was a very strong will person, and I knew he will fight but he lost it. Was a very kind hearted man and a pillar of support.”


As one of the greatest democratic pillars under the Fourth Republican dispensation, Mr Bimi's most cherished vision for Ghana remained the construction of a National monument to be known as Democracy House.

This building is to serve the whole of West Africa and probably the rest of Africa to facilitate the teaching and learning of civic education with the aim of empowering citizens on the continent to be democratic and civic minded.

He emphasised the need for people to pay special attention to the traditional system of governance and it’s inherent in peace building techniques for resolving conflicts.

Mr Bimi believed that knowledge could be adopted at the national level to enrich the modern governance system in the country. The enormous energy he exerted to push the frontiers of civic education was exemplary and would be remembered by staff of the Commission for a long time to come.

That was what the man was yearning for. Who would do the sod-cutting for the Democracy House he dreamt about? Who will lay the first cement block? Who will provide the funding? Who will join the late Bimi to strengthen and broaden the democratic frontiers?


Way back in 2001, Mr Bimi initiated moves for the defence of Ghana's democratic dispensation by mobilising Ghanaians to understand the Constitution thereby breaking the myth surrounding the 1992 Constitution that it is the preserve of some professionals only.

At the inaugural lecture of the maiden National Constitution Week celebration, Mr Bimi was instrumental in selecting the theme: "The Constitution and You," which focused on: "Eight years of constitutional rule, challenges and prospects.”

In 2002, the celebration focused on: “The Constitution, Cultural Values and Good Governance,” which explored the relevance of traditional authority in the contemporary democratic dispensation.

According to Mr Bimi, more than 80 per cent of the population was indirectly governed by traditional rulers but the Constitution failed to recognise it. He stressed that chiefs were not only guardians of culture but also the custodians of traditional values.

However, in spite of the significant position they occupy in the society, the consultation of chiefs as required by law particularly at the local level for nominations to the district assemblies has not been complied with.

In 2006, Mr Bimi again used the platform of the sixth Annual National Constitution Week celebration to discuss, "Local Participation and Social Auditing for Poverty Reduction."

He noted that "After 13 years of constitutional democracy, rights and responsibilities and laws on the vulnerable need to be deepened through civic education on a sustained basis".

In 2008, the NCCE Chairman directed the celebration to examine: “The Sovereign will of the People and Election 2008.”

Stating that as the nation prepared for the year's general election "we deem it proper for this ritual to imbue the sovereign will of Ghanaians with the faith, tenets, traits and culture of constitutionalism for the deepening of democracy".

The Right to Information Bill took centre stage at the Ninth annual Constitution Week celebration in 2009 on the general theme: "Beyond Elections: Citizens' Participation and Government Accountability.”

Mr Bimi identified as thematic areas the Right to Information Bill, Election as an Essential Element of a Democratic Society, and the Challenges of Building a Culture of Effective Citizens' Participation in the Contemporary Democratic Dispensation.

In 2011the celebration on the theme: “The State of Ghana's Democracy 2011" focused on five sub-thematic areas - The Judicial and Justice System, Political Parties, Corruption, Decentralisation, and the Media.


Mr Bimi took issue first with the country's democratic practice when he described our governance system “as not yet democratic”.

He noted: “There is a semblance of the rule of law in the country and an adherence to some human rights. Parliament is somewhat functioning and the Judiciary is plodding on. The institutions of state appear to be functioning; civil society is harping on and occasionally struggling to be heard. Political parties are barely existing.”

According to Mr Bimi, the media, both print and electronic, were also “shouting hoarse in their new-found freedom. These are what the pundits and observers have seen and concluded that Ghana is a democratic country”. What Ghana had, according to him, could best be described as “a virtual democratic country”.

He described corruption as a social canker that has affected both the public and private lives of the society thereby calling for a proactive measure rather than the defensive stance that some people have adopted towards its elimination.

Mr Bimi described as unacceptable the fact that people insulted the President on a daily basis when those same people gave so much respect and reverence to their chiefs.

Youth unemployment, he stated, should be addressed to consolidate the nation's democratic gains.

“Unless we take serious and frontal steps to address the deficits in our democratic practices such as youth unemployment, we run the risk of running into turbulence with unpalatable consequences.”

Speaking to the Ghana News Agency in Accra on the 11th Annual Constitution Week Celebration, Mr Bimi noted that the democratic development in the country since 1992 needed to be scrutinised for the citizenry to appreciate its prospects and any possible deficits.

He said: “Ghanaians need to develop the culture of democracy, the courage to resist violation of their human rights and the tenacity to resist dictatorship of all forms and, more particularly and fundamentally any overthrow or attempted overthrow of government.”

Mr Bimi noted that the Constitution was a testament to the tenacity of Ghanaians throughout history to maintain their liberties and freedom, and to ensure those inalienable rights to every citizen.

Long Live Mr Farhan Laari Bimi, your legacy lives on

Alahuma Igfrilawu Wa Yara Hamhu. May your soul rest in peace.