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Opinions of Saturday, 15 July 2023

Columnist: Africa-World Relations

Ambassador Selma Ashipala-Musavyi: A true advocate for inter-african trade, tourism and integrated development

Ambassador Selma Ashipala-Musavyi Ambassador Selma Ashipala-Musavyi

The appointment of Mrs. Selma Ashipala-Musavyi , a consummate diplomat as High Commissioner for the Republic of Namibia to the Republic of Ghana, reaffirms her country’s commitment to enhancing bilateral relations and cooperation between Namibia and Ghana as well as the concurrently accredited countries of Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Togo.

While speaking in Volta Region at the Ho City Municipality Trade Fair, High Commissioner Ashipala-Musavyi, emphasized the promotion of intra - African tourism and investment in advancing the ideals of the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement (AfCFTA).

She stated that intra -African tourism will build confidence and unity, expose and bring about appreciation of our rich and diverse culture and build synergy for industrialization, the development of trade and industry, so that Africans would begin to increasingly consume what we produce, thereby creating employment, particularly for the youth. She therefore urged Africans to interact and visit one another’s country, so as to appreciate the cultural and economic richness of our continent.

In encouraging the Voltarians to exploit the business potential of the region, High Commissioner Ashipala-Musavyi noted that, the Ho Municipality, had the “spirit and the soul” to nurture the Volta Region into a tourism hub of Ghana, and that its airport, “fabulous weather that many can only dream of,” and “captivating” topography should encourage stakeholders to advance its development".

"Above all, you have the friendly and industrious people of Ho. So I encourage the youth of Ho, to take full advantage of the emerging opportunities in intra African-tourism. “This is critical because, as much as the AfCFTA is about movement of goods and services, in essence it is equally about movement of the African people”, she added.

The envoy, also made known the investment potentials of Namibia, saying, “We are inviting investors into our energy sectors. 1,500km of our coastline is all wind so we are upping our renewable energy mix and venturing into green hydrogen energy ".

She played a key role for the export of Namibian Meat Producing and Exporting Company, MEATCO, to distribute its products in Ghana, whilst noting that, Africans would do well to consume what the continent produces and lessen dependence on goods and products from outside the continent. She expressed the optimism that with the operationalization of the AFCFTA, intra -African trade would be enhanced.

Prior to taking up her post in Accra, High Commissioner Ashipala-Musavyi served as Executive Director in the Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation (MIRCO).

During her tenure, Namibia successfully chaired both SADC and the SADC Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation, where she served as the Chairperson of the Senior Official’s meetings and handled complicated regional integration issues with excellence.

So it was no surprised, as a mother who understands the plight of vulnerable children on the street meaningfully participated for promotion of the Humanity magazine's Day Care School Project, which seeks to provide educational safe haven for needy kids in Ghana at Kwabre District in Ashanti Region. Ghanaians say, Ayekoo (well done).Photo.Mrs. Selma Ashipala-Musavyi,Namibia High Commissioner to Ghana